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1400 article pages and 1 talks, 13 user pages and 28 talks, 79 ifigenia pages and 0 talks, 1690 image pages and 0 talks, 66 mediawiki pages and 1 talks, 66 template pages and 0 talks, 42 help pages and 0 talks, 725 category pages and 0 talks, 37 project pages and 0 talks, 2421 issue (publication) pages and 3 talks, 6 private pages and 1 talks.
- A. A. Ramadan
- A. Assaid
- A. El Allaoui
- A. Haydar Eş
- A. Jeny Jordon
- A. Kyuchukov
- A. Nagoor Gani
- A. O. Umar
- A. Parvathi
- A. Q. Ansari
- A. S. Ranadive
- A. U. Moyi
- A Survey of Generalized Nets
- A new geometrical interpretation of the intuitionistic fuzzy pairs
- A survey of generalized nets
- Abd Ghafur Ahmad
- Abdul Quaiyum Ansari
- Abha Aggarwal
- Adam Dudáš
- Adam Niewiadomski
- Adhiyaman Manickam
- Adrian Ban
- Adrian I. Ban
- Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics
- Akhil Ranjan Roy
- Aleksander Kacprzyk
- Alexander Kacprzyk
- Algorithm for generalized net functioning
- Algorithm for tokens movement
- Algorithm for transition functioning
- Ali El Mfadel
- Ali Tarsuslu
- Alka Arya
- Alzbeta Michalikova
- Alžbeta Michalíková
- Amiya K. Shaymal
- An introduction to intuitionistic L-fuzzy semi-primary ideals
- Andreas Schmietendorf
- Andy Tseng
- Anestis Hatzimichailidis
- Animesh Mahata
- Anjali Sonkariya
- Anna Pankowska
- Anthony Shannon
- Antoaneta Grozeva
- Anton Antonov
- Anton Cholakov
- Antony T. Popov
- Aparna Mehra
- Apostolos Syropoulos
- Applications of Generalized Nets
- Applications of Generalized Nets (World Scientific)
- Applications of generalized nets
- Arif Bal
- Arindam Garai
- Asghar Khan
- Ashit Kumar Dutta
- Azarya Polikarov
- Aziz El Ghazouani
- B. Ben Amma
- B. K. Tripathy
- B. O. Onasanya
- Bablu Jana
- Bappa Mondal
- Basil Papadopoulos
- Başar Öztayşi
- Beloslav Riecan
- Beloslav Riečan
- Berlin Wu
- Bertrand Mbama Engoulou
- Bhuvan Rachamreddy
- Bijan Davvaz
- Bilian Belchev
- Biljana Krsteska
- Bioautomation
- Bistra Zaharieva
- Boriana Doycheva
- Bouchra Ben Amma
- Boyan Kolev
- C. Indirani
- C. Nandhini
- C. Radhamani
- C. Radhika
- C. Yuvapriya
- Cartesian product over IFS
- Cartesian product over intuitionistic fuzzy sets
- Cecilia Temponi
- Cengiz Kahraman
- Chandni
- Channappa Akki
- Chris Cornelis
- Chris Hinde
- Chris Vasilakis
- Christian Servin
- Christo Georgiev
- Closure
- Closure and interior
- Correspondence between intuitionistic fuzzy negations and implications
- Cui Ma
- Cybernetics and Information Technologies
- Cybernetics and information technologies
- D. Amsaveni
- D. K. Basnet
- D. Poovaragavan
- D. S. Pathania
- Dafina Zoteva
- Daniel Gómez
- Daniela Kluvancová
- Daniela Langova-Orozova
- Daniela Orozova
- Daniela Orozova-Langova
- Defuzzification of intuitionistic fuzzy sets
- Deng-Feng Li
- Deniza Chakarska
- Desislava Kostadinova
- Desislava Peneva
- Developments in Fuzzy Sets, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Related Topics
- Developments in fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets and related topics
- Deyan Mavrov
- Dhiren Kumar Basnet
- Diana Boyadzhieva
- Diana Petkova
- Diana Shopova
- Diana Tisheva
- Dicho Stratiev
- Didier Dubois
- Dimitar Dimitrakiev
- Dimitar Dimitrov
- Dimitar Sasselov
- Dimiter Iliev
- Dimiter Lakov
- Dinko Dimitrov
- Dmitri Viattchenin
- Dogan Coker
- Doğan Çoker
- Du Chunjuan
- Dušana Babicová
- E. Kungumaraj
- Ekrem Savaş
- Elia El-Darzi
- Elie Daumalle
- Emilia Velizarova
- Emiliya Saranova
- Emine Demirbaş
- Ermir Rogova
- Esra Aykut
- Etienne E. Kerre
- Etienne Kerre
- Eulalia Szmidt
- European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology
- Evdokia Sotirova
- Evelina Pazvanska
- Evgeni Dimitrov
- Evgeniy Marinov
- Extended temporal intuitionistic fuzzy index matrices
- Extending operators over generalized nets
- Ezhilmaran Devarasan
- Fatih Kutlu
- Fevrier Valdez
- Florentin Smarandache
- Florin Gorunescu
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems
- Fuzzy logic research work in Mexico motivated by Lotfi Zadeh
- Fuzzy sets and systems
- G. Nenov
- G. Prasannavengeteswari
- G. Toneva
- GN
- GNTicker
- GNTicker Trace Protocol
- GN Ticker
- GN XML format
- GNschema.xsd
- Gabriela E. Martínez
- Gabriella Pasi
- Gagandeep Kaur
- Genedit
- Generalized Net
- Generalized Net Interpretations of Ivan Dimitrov's Informational Theory of Diseases
- Generalized Net Modelling of University Processes
- Generalized Net Models of the Human Body
- Generalized Nets
- Generalized Nets, Relation Databases and Expert Systems
- Generalized Nets, Uncertain Data and Knowledge Engineering
- Generalized Nets, World Scientific
- Generalized Nets (World Scientific)
- Generalized Nets Modelling of Biotechnological Processes
- Generalized Nets and Cognitive Science
- Generalized Nets and Expert Systems
- Generalized Nets and Machine Learning
- Generalized Nets and Pattern Recognition
- Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 2: Generalized Nets and Machine Learning
- Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 1
- Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 1: Generalized Nets and Expert Systems
- Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 2
- Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 2: Generalized Nets and Machine Learning
- Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 3
- Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 3: Generalized Nets, Relation Databases and Expert Systems
- Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 4
- Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 4: Generalized Nets, Uncertain Data and Knowledge Engineering
- Generalized Nets in Child Neurology
- Generalized Nets in Medicine
- Generalized Nets in Neurology
- Generalized net
- Generalized net interpretations of Ivan Dimitrov's informational theory of diseases
- Generalized net modelling of university processes
- Generalized net models of neural networks
- Generalized net models of the human body
- Generalized nets
- Generalized nets, World Scientific
- Generalized nets, uncertain data and knowledge engineering
- Generalized nets and cognitive science
- Generalized nets and expert systems
- Generalized nets and machine learning
- Generalized nets and pattern recognition
- Generalized nets in artificial intelligence. Volume 1
- Generalized nets in artificial intelligence. Volume 2
- Generalized nets in artificial intelligence. Volume 4
- Generalized nets in biotechnology
- Generalized nets in child neurology
- Generalized nets in education
- Generalized nets in expert systems
- Generalized nets in medicine
- Generalized nets in neurology
- Generalized nets modelling of biotechnological processes
- Gennete
- Geometrical interpretations of intuitionistic fuzzy sets
- George Gargov
- George Gluhchev
- George Mengov
- George Rusev
- Georgi Gluhchev
- Georgi Kirov
- Georgi Valchev
- Georgy Urumov
- Gergana Popova
- Gh. A. Montazer
- Glad Deschrijver
- Gn lectures
- Guy De Tre
- Guy De Tré
- Gökhan Çuvalcioğlu
- Gökhan Çuvalcıoğlu
- Gül Tümen
- H. Atti
- H. Ben-Azza
- H. Sadiki
- H. Sheik Mujibur Rahman
- Hamid Sadiki
- Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann
- Haris Yasemis
- Hathal Al-Roki
- Hee Sik Kim
- Help
- Hem Lata
- Hendrik Müller
- Henri Prade
- Hierarchical operators
- Hierarchical operators over generalized nets
- Hong Yongfa
- Hristo Aladjov
- Hristo Bozov
- Hristo Inkiov
- Hristo Panayotov
- Hugo Oscar
- Humberto Bustince
- Humberto Bustince Sola
- Hung Nguyen
- Hung T. Nguyen
- I. Bakhadach
- I. M. Adamu
- ICIFS'2010
- ICIFS'2012
- ICIFS'2014
- ICIFS'2015
- ICIFS'2016
- ICIFS-2012
- ICIFS-2013
- ICIFS-2014
- ICIFS-2015
- ICIFS-2016
- ICIFS-2017
- ICIFS-2019
- ICIFS-2020
- ICIFS-2022
- ICIFS-2023
- ICIFS-2024
- ICIFSS'2018
- ICIFSS-2018
- ICIFS 2016
- IFSTART/Members
- IFSTART/Newsletter
- IFSTART/Newsletter-2015-09
- IFSTART/Newsletter/2015-09
- IFSTool
- IFS Tool
- IF implications
- IF negations
- IWGN/14
- IWGN/15
- IWGN/2000
- IWGN/2001
- IWGN/2002
- IWGN/2003
- IWGN/2004
- IWGN/2005
- IWGN/2006
- IWGN/2007
- IWGN/2008
- IWGN/2009
- IWGN/2010
- IWIFS-2023
- IWIFSGN'2008
- IWIFSGN 2024
- IWIFS 2024
- Icifs'2014
- Icifs-2014
- Icifs-2015
- Idilia Batchkova
- Ilias Petrounias
- Implication over IFS
- Implication over intuitionistic fuzzy sets
- Implications over IFS
- Implications over intuitionistic fuzzy sets
- Imran Khan
- Index Matrices: Towards an Augmented Matrix Calculus
- Intercriteria analysis: From pairs to triples
- Interior
- Interior and closure
- International Conference on IFS and Contemporary Mathematics
- International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets