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Doğan Çoker
Professor Doğan Çoker was born in Uskudar, Istanbul on 24 August 1951. Because of his father's official duty, he completed his primary and secondary education in different cities in Turkey. Then he registered at the Maths Department of Hacettepe University in Ankara. He completed also his master degree and Ph.D. in Hacettepe University. In 1984, he became an assistant professor and a professor in 1988 in the Maths Department in Hacettepe University, where he entered as an assistant. In 1997, he started working in the Maths Department of the Arts and Science Faculty of Akdeniz University in Antalya.
He was chairman of the Mathematics and Informatic Department in Akdeniz University, member of different Publication Councils and a referee in four different international and in three Turkish journals. He contributed to the scientific activities such as many seminaries and international symposia, and consulted twenty-four doctor's degrees. He had more than hundred books and papers in Turkey and abroad.
From the very beginning of journal “Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets” Prof. Çoker became one of the most active members of its editorial board, as well as one of the organizers of the IFS conferences, held in Bulgaria annually since 1997.
He was married and had two children.
He died in 2003.
Career and achievements
- Professional career
- 1973-1977 — University of Hacettepe, Science Faculty, Department of Mathematics, Assistant and Assistant Doctor.
- 1977-1984 — University of Hacettepe, Science Faculty, Department of Mathematics, Doctor Lecturer.
- 1984-1989 — University of Hacettepe, Education Faculty, Department of Mathematics Education , Ass. Professor
- 1989-1997 — University of Hacettepe, Education Faculty, Department of Mathematics Education , Professor
- 1997-2003 — University of Akdeniz, Science and arts Faculty, Department of Mathematics, Professor
- Member of editorial boards of:
- Hacettepe Bulletin of Natural Sciences and Engineering.
- Hacettepe Üniversitesi journal of education(Hacettepe Journal of Education).
- Matematik Dünyası (Türk Matematik Derneği).
- Member of:
- Turkish Mathematics Society.
- Balkanic Union for Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence (BUSEFAL).
- Referee of:
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Elsevier Science, Holland). (
- Information Sciences (Elsevier Science, Holland).
- International Journal ofUncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems(Singapore).
- Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics (International Fuzzy Mathematics Institute, USA). (
- Turkish Journal of Mathematics (TÜBİTAK, Turkey).
- Hacettepe Bulletin of Natural Sciences and Engineering (Turkey).
- Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Hacettepe Journal of Education) (Turkey).
- Publications in national journals
- On the triviality of invertible measures in M^+(G), HACETTEPE BUL.MAT.SCI.ENG. 5 (1976) 35-42.
- Haar measure and modular function in locally compact T_2-spaces, HACETTEPE BUL.NAT.SCI.ENG. 7-8 (1978) 69-76.
- On invariant vector measures, HACETTEPE BUL.NAT.SCI.ENG. 9 (1980) 65-70.
- On invariant vector measures II, HACETTEPE BUL.NAT.SCI.ENG. 10 (1981) 81-85.
- On fuzzy S-closed spaces, DOĞA TU.J.MATH. 11 (1987), 145-152. (MR 89c:54014; Reviewer: O. Continescu) (coauthor)
- Weak compactness in fuzzy topological spaces, HACETTEPE BUL.NAT. SCI.ENG. 16-17 (1987-1988), 37-45. (Zbl.Math. 709-54007) (coauthor)
- A note on fuzzy closure spaces, J.FAC.SCI.EGE UNIVERSITY, Series A 11-1 (1988) 11-17. (Zbl.Math. 664-54003) (coauthor)
- Belirtisiz topolojik uzaylarda \alpha-hafif tıkızlık, HACETTEPE ÜNİV. EĞİTİM FAK. DERGİSİ 3 (1988) 217-220. (coauthor)
- On fuzzy RS-compact spaces, DOĞA TU.J.MATH. 13 (1989) 34-42. (MR 90j:54005; Reviewer: Jin-Xuan Fang) (coauthor)
- On some strong forms of fuzzy continuity, DOĞA TU.J.MATH. 14 (1990) 26-38. (MR 91a:54006; Reviewer: Run-Sheng Yang) (coauthor)
- On weak forms of fuzzy continuity, HACETTEPE BUL.NAT.SCI.ENG. 19 (1990) 25-33. (Zbl.Math. 735-54003) (coauthor)
- Belirtisiz topolojik uzaylarda S-kapalılık ve I-tıkızlık, HACETTEPE ÜNİV. EĞİTİM FAK. DERGİSİ 5 (1990) 15-20. (coauthor)
- A note on intuitionistic sets and intuitionistic points, TURKISH J.MATH. 20-3 (1996) 343-351.
- On several types of degree of fuzzy connectedness in Sostak's sense, HACETTEPE BUL.NAT.SCI.ENG. 17 (1996) 15-26. (coauthor)
- Publications in international journals
- Weak compactness in fuzzy topologies, PROC.INTERN. AMSE CONFER. "Modelling & Simulation", İstanbul (Turkey), June 29-July 1, 1988 (AMSE Press) 201-210. (coauthor)
- On fuzzy RS-compact sets in fuzzy topological spaces. FUZZY SYSTEMS & A. I., REPORTS & LETTERS 1-2 (1992) 3-14. (coauthor)
- On some types of fuzzy connectedness in fuzzy topological spaces, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 60-1 (1993) 97-102. (MR 94h:54009) (coauthor)
- On the axiomatic theory of fuzzy sets, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 60-2 (1993) 181-198 (MR 95b:03054; Reviewer: J. Albrycht) (coauthor)
- On fuzzy supratopological spaces and fuzzy supraconnected spaces, J. FUZZY MATH. 1-4 (1993) 811-821. (MR 94f:54016) (coauthor)
- On some types of fuzzy supraconnectedness in fuzzy supratopological spaces, J. FUZZY MATH. 3-1 (1995) 125-133. (MR 95k:54011) (coauthor)
- On several types of degrees of fuzzy compactness in fuzzy topological spaces in Sostak's sense, J. FUZZY MATH. 3-3 (1995) 481-491. (CPM Vol/Issue: 96 02) (coauthor)
- On intuitionistic fuzzy points, NOTES ON IFS 1-2 (1995) 79-84. (CPM Volume/Issue: 97 03) (coauthor)
- On fuzzy compactness in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, J. FUZZY MATH. 3-4 (1995) 899-909. (MR 96j:54010) (coauthor)
- Fuzzy \alpha-almost supracompactness in fuzzy supratopological spaces, BUSEFAL 66 (1996) 69-76. (coauthor)
- A note on RS-compact symmetric topological molecular lattices, BUSEFAL 67 (1996) 61-66. (coauthor)
- An introduction to intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces in Sostak's sense, BUSEFAL 67 (1996) 67-76. (coauthor)
- On fuzzy separation axioms in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, BUSEFAL 67 (1996) 77-87. (coauthor)
- On fuzzy inclusion in the intuitionistic sense, J. FUZZY MATH. 4-3 (1996) 701-714. (MR 97c:03129) (coauthor)
- On several types of degree of fuzzy compactness, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 87-3 (1997) 349-359. (MR 97m:54010) (coauthor)
- An introduction to intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 88-1 (1997) 81-89. (MR 97m:54009)
- More on fuzzy compactness in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, NOTES ON IFS 2-1 (1996) 4-10. (CPM Vol/Issue: 97 03) (coauthor)
- On fuzzy continuity in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, J. FUZZY MATH. 5-2 (1997) 365-378. (CPM Vol/Issue: 97 14) (coauthor)
- On connectedness in intuitionistic fuzzy special topological spaces, INT.J. MATH. & MATH.SCI. 21-1 (1998) 33-40. (Zbl.Math. 892.54005) (CPM 1 Vol/Issue: 486 955) (coauthor)
- An introduction to fuzzy subspaces in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, J.FUZZY MATH. 4-4 (1996) 749-764. (MR 97i:54012)
- An introduction to intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups and their products, BUSEFAL 70 (1997) 16-21. (coauthor)
- Fuzzy rough sets are intuitionistic L-fuzzy sets, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 96-3 (1998) 381-383.
- On neighborhood structures in intuitionistic topological spaces, MATHEMATIKA BALKANICA 12 (3-4) (1998) 289-293. (CPM 1 Vol/Issue: 688 660) (coauthor)
- Fuzzy connectedness in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 116-3 (2000) 369-375. (coauthor)
- On topological structures using intuitionistic fuzzy sets, NOTES ON IFS 3-5 (1997) 138-142.
- A note on connectedness in intuitionistic fuzzy special topological spaces, INT.J.MATH. & MATH.SCI. . 23-1 (2000) 45-54. (coauthor)
- An invitation to topological structures on first order genuine sets, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 119-3 (2001) 521-527. (coauthor)
- Fuzzy multifunctions in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, NOTES ON IFS 5-3 (1999) 1-5. (coauthor)
- An introduction to intuitionistic topological spaces, BUSEFAL 81 (2000) 51-56.
- On separation axioms in intuitionistic topological spaces, INT.J.MATH. & MATH.SCI. (2001). (coauthor)
- [math]\displaystyle{ \gamma }[/math]-continuity in Sostak's fuzzy topology, J.FUZZY MATH. (2002). (coauthor)
- Conference communications
- Weak Compactness in Fuzzy Topologies, AMSE Conference "Modelling & Simulation", İstanbul (Turkey), June 29-July 1, 1988. [Bildiri Kitaplı] (coauthor)
- On Several Types of Fuzzy Continuity, Fuzzy Days, METU (Middle East Technical University), Ankara (Turkey), December 28-30, 1991.
- On Fuzzy RS-Compact Sets in Fuzzy Topological Spaces, Second International Conference of the Balkanic Union for Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence (BUFSA), Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon (Turkey), August 31-September 5, 1992. [Bildiri Kitaplı] (coauthor)
- Belirtisiz Supratopolojik Uzaylarda Bazı Sonuçlar, 3.Azerbaycan-Türkiye Matematik Sempozyumu, Karadeniz Technical University (Trabzon), August 31-September 4, 1993. (coauthor)
- Sezgisel Belirtisiz Topolojik Uzaylarda Ayırma Aksiyomları Üzerine, TMD VIII. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, 19-23 Eylül 1995, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana. (coauthor)
- Sezgisel Belirtisiz Topolojik Uzaylarda Belirtisiz Bağlantılılık Üzerine, TMD VIII. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, 19-23 Eylül 1995, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana. (coauthor)
- Sezgisel Belirtisiz Topolojik Uzaylar Üzerine, EMO Matematik ve Uygulamalarıyla Akıllı Sistemler: Bulanık Mantık ve Nöral Ağlar, Editörler: Turhan Çiftçibaşı ve Uğur Halıcı, 26-27 Ekim 1995, ODTÜ. [Bildiri Kitaplı]
- Sezgisel Belirtisiz Topolojik Uzaylarda Belirtisiz Süreklilik Üzerine, EMO Matematik ve Uygulamalarıyla Akıllı Sistemler: Bulanık Mantık ve Nöral Ağlar, Editörler: Turhan Çiftçibaşı ve Uğur Halıcı, 26-27 Ekim 1995, ODTÜ. [Bildiri Kitaplı] (coauthor)
- Sostak Anlamında Fuzzy Topolojik Uzaylarda Fuzzy Kompaktlığın Derecelendirilmesinin Bazı Türleri, EMO Matematik ve Uygulamalarıyla Akıllı Sistemler: Bulanık Mantık ve Nöral Ağlar, Editörler: Turhan Çiftçibaşı ve Uğur Halıcı, 26-27 Ekim 1995, ODTÜ. [Bildiri Kitaplı] (coauthor)
- Sezgisel Belirtisiz Topolojik Uzaylarda Belirtisiz Bağlantılılık, EMO Matematik ve Uygulamalarıyla Akıllı Sistemler: Bulanık Mantık ve Nöral Ağlar, Editörler: Turhan Çiftçibaşı ve Uğur Halıcı, 26-27 Ekim 1995, ODTÜ. [Bildiri Kitaplı] (coauthor)
- Sezgisel Belirtisiz Topolojik Uzaylarda Ayırma Aksiyomları, EMO Matematik ve Uygulamalarıyla Akıllı Sistemler: Bulanık Mantık ve Nöral Ağlar, Editörler: Turhan Çiftçibaşı ve Uğur Halıcı, 26-27 Ekim 1995, ODTÜ. [Bildiri Kitaplı] (coauthor)
- Belirtisiz Kümelerin Bağlantılılık Spektrumları, Matematik Sempozyumu (Altınolukta Matematik Günleri) 23-26 Mayıs 1996, Altınoluk, Balıkesir Üniversitesi. (coauthor)
- Categories of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological Spaces, TAINN'97, The Sixth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, May 22-23 1997, Başkent Üniversitesi, Ankara. [Bildiri Kitaplı]