As of August 2024, International Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is being indexed in Scopus.
Please check our Instructions to Authors and send your manuscripts to Next issue: March 2025.


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24th International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
8—9 October 2020, Burgas, Bulgaria

ICIFS'2020 is an

Important dates

15 May 2020 — Submission of manuscripts
31 May 2020 — Notification of acceptance
15 June 2020 — Submission of final versions; payment of conference fees
8–9 October 2020 — Conference at the Congress Center “Marine Station”, Burgas, Bulgaria

Aim and scope

The aim of the annual International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (ICIFS) is to gather specialists interested in intuitionistic fuzziness, decision making under uncertainty, and other related topics, and to give them floor for discussions on both the theoretical and practical aspects of this relatively new area of fuzzy set theory. Since 2013, ICIFS has been an EUSFLAT endorsed event.

Download the First Call for Papers (PDF, 135 Kb).

Conference Chairs and Committee

Conference Chairs
Program Committee
Organizing Committee

Instructions to authors

All papers accepted for presentation at ICIFS'2020 will be included in the Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" (ISSN: 1310-4926) and available online with DOI identifiers. Papers should not exceed 10 A4 pages and should comply with the paper template of the Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets". Papers are peer reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

Manuscripts must be uploaded in PDF format to the online submission system EasyChair.
(Registration in EasyChair is obligatory, but it is free of charge.)


Registration fee is EUR 200, for students and EUSFLAT members – EUR 150. The registration fee includes a copy of the Proceedings, snacks and beverages during the coffee breaks, a conference dinner and a trip. Registration fees will be collected by bank transfer before the conference.

Assistance for the accommodation and for the commute between Sofia and Burgas can be provided on demand, subject to availability.


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0035929793609