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International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Contemporary Mathematics Conference

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The International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Conference is an annual conference dedicated to the intuitionistic fuzzy sets, theory and applications, organized in Mersin, Turkey by Prof. Gökhan Çuvalcioğlu from the University of Mersin since 2014.

1st edition, 2014

The first edition of the International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Conference was organized in Mersin on 14 November 2014, under the provisional title International Workshop on IFSs, Mersin. The proceedings from this event were published as a special issue of the Int. Journal Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, ISSN 1310–4926, Volume 20, 2014, Number 5.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
Preface Editorial
1 A new modal operator over intuitionistic fuzzy sets Krassimir Atanassov, Gökhan Çuvalcıoğlu and Vassia Atanassova 1—8
2 Matrix representation of the second type of intuitionistic fuzzy modal operators Gökhan Çuvalcıoğlu, Sinem Yılmaz and Krassimir Atanassov 9—16
3 More basic operations and modal operators over 3-dimensional intuitionistic fuzzy index matrices Velichka Traneva 17—25
4 Extension of intuitionistic fuzzy modal operators diagram with new operators Sinem Yılmaz and Arif Bal 26—35
5 Resolution of a system of the max-min product intuitionistic fuzzy relation equations using LU-factorization S. Melliani, M. Elomari, L. S. Chadli and R. Ettoussi 36—49
6 Intuitionistic fuzzy radar chart interpretation for workload of the generalized net algorithms Nora Angelova 50—56
7 An application of the intuitionistic fuzzy modal operator Eα,β Gökhan Çuvalcıoğlu and Esra Aykut 57—61
8 Determining intuitionistic fuzzy estimates for decision making in medical tasks Peter Vassilev, Lyudmila Todorova and Jivko Surchev 62—68
9 Intuitionistic fuzzy estimations of establishing connections with File Transfer Protocol for virtual hosts Ivelina Vardeva and Liliya Anestieva 69—74

2nd edition, 2015

The second edition of the International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Conference was organized in Mersin on 14–18 October 2014, under the official title International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Conference. The proceedings from this event were published as a special issue of the Int. Journal Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, ISSN 1310–4926, Volume 21, 2015, Number 4.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Properties of the intuitionistic fuzzy modal operator ⊗α,β,γ,δ Krassimir Atanassov, Gökhan Çuvalcioğlu, Sinem Yılmaz and Vassia Atanassova 1–5
2 Properties of Fodor’s intuitionistic fuzzy implication and negation Eulalia Szmidt, Janusz Kacprzyk and Krassimir Atanassov 6–12
3 On λ-statistical convergence of order α in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces Ekrem Savaş 13–22
4 Sendograph metric on intuitionistic fuzzy number space Fatih Kutlu, Taihe Fan and Tunay Bilgin 23–33
5 Extension of Hukuhara difference in intuitionistic fuzzy set theory S. Melliani, M. Elomari, L. S. Chadli and R. Ettoussi 34–47
6 A note on intuitionistic supra fuzzy soft topological spaces Vildan Çetkin and Halis Aygün 48–57
7 Intuitionistic fuzzy differential equation with nonlocal condition S. Melliani, M. Elomari, M. Atraoui and L. S. Chadli 58–68
8 Selection of vendor based on intuitionistic fuzzy linguistic hedges Prabjot Kaur and Madhumita Pal 69–75
9 Intuitionistic fuzzy fractional equation S. Melliani, M. Elomari, L. S. Chadli and R. Ettoussi 76–89
10 InterCriteria analysis of a cultivation process model based on the genetic algorithm population size influence Maria Angelova, Olympia Roeva and Tania Pencheva 90–103
11 Intuitionistic fuzzy T-sets based solution technique for multiple objective linear programming problems under imprecise environment Arindam Garai, Palash Mandal and Tapan Kumar Roy 104–123
12 New equalities on the intuitionistic fuzzy operators and operations Erkan Eker, Feride Tuğrul and Mehmet Çitil 124–128
13 InterCriteria Analysis approach in radar detection threshold analysis Lyubka Doukovska and Vassia Atanassova 129–135
14 Application of intercriteria analysis to the rankings of Australian universities Evdokia Sotirova and Anthony Shannon 136–142
15 Opportunities for application of the intercriteria analysis method to neural network preprocessing procedures Sotir Sotirov 143–152
16 Properties of intuitionistic fuzzy implication →177 Beloslav Riečan and Krassimir Atanassov 153–156

3rd edition, 2016

The third edition of the International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Conference was organized in Mersin, Turkey on 9 Aug – 1 Sep 2016. The proceedings from this event were published as a special issue of the Int. Journal Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, ISSN 1310–4926, Volume 22, 2016, Number 4.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Some intuitionistic fuzzy operators Mehmet Çitil and Feride Tuğrul 1—5
2 Properties of the intuitionistic fuzzy implication →186 Krassimir Atanassov, Nora Angelova, Eulalia Szmidt and Janusz Kacprzyk 6—12
3 On generalized double statistical convergence of order α in intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed spaces Ekrem Savaş 13—24
4 Solving intuitionistic fuzzy differential equations with linear differential operator by Adomian decomposition method Suvankar Biswas, Sanhita Banerjee and Tapan Kumar Roy 25—41
5 Numerical solution of intuitionistic fuzzy differential equations by Runge–Kutta Method of order four B. Ben Amma and L. S. Chadli 42—52
6 The Cauchy problem for complex intuitionistic fuzzy differential equations A. El Allaoui, S. Melliani and L. S. Chadli 53—63
7 Fractional differential equations with intuitionistic fuzzy data R. Ettoussi and L. S. Chadli 64—74
8 An intuitionistic fuzzy evaluation of the "subset" relation between two crisp sets Krassimir Atanassov and Guy de Tré 75—79
9 Isomorphism theorems for intuitionistic fuzzy submodules of G-modules P. K. Sharma 80—88