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International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

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International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets is a scientific meeting devoted to the intuitionistic fuzzy sets, held in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia annually since 2005 year. It is organized on the basis of a bilateral agreement for scientific cooperation between the Department of Mathematics in the Matej Bel University and the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The papers, presented at the workshop, are published in the journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets".

Workshop Proceedings


First IWIFS was held on 22 September 2005. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 11, No. 6.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Assigning the parameters for intuitionistic fuzzy sets Eulalia Szmidt, Jim Baldwin 1—12
2 On some intuitionistic fuzzy negations Krassimir Atanassov 13—20
3 On the probability on IF-sets and MV-algebras Beloslav Riečan 21—25
4 Measurable elements on IF-sets Alžbeta Michalíková 26—28
5 Intuitionistic fuzzy logical programming. Syntax and procedural semantics Kalin Georgiev, Trifon Trifonov 29—34
6 A property of intuitionistic fuzzy implications Yun Shi, Violeta Tasseva 35—44
7 Intuitionistic fuzzy generalized nets as tools for modelling and simulation of closed systems Violeta Tasseva, Desislava Peneva, Krassimir Atanassov 45—52


Second IWIFS was held on 3 December 2006. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 12, No. 4.

 RAR (618 Kb, File info)

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Prof. RNDr. Beloslav Riečan DrSc. septuagenarian Katarína Lendelová 1—2
2 A measure extension theorem Petra Mazureková, Beloslav Riečan 3—8
3 n-extraction operation over intuitionistic fuzzy sets Beloslav Riečan, Krassimir Atanassov 9—11
4 Lattice of IFLs on a set M. J. Rani 12—21
5 Generalized net model of lecturers' evaluation of student work with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations Anthony Shannon, Evdokia Sotirova, Krassimir Atanassov, Maciej Krawczak, Pedro Melo-Pinto, Taekyun Kim 22—28
6 Completeness of IFS(X) as a metric space Veronika Valenčáková 29—36


Third IWIFS was held on 3 October 2007. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 13, No. 4.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 On a new intuitionistic fuzzy implication of Gaines-Rescher's type Beloslav Riečan, Krassimir Atanassov 1—4
2 An embedding IF-sets to MV-algebras Petra Mazureková 5—9
3 A study on some intuitionistic fuzzy implications Violeta Tasseva, Desislava Peneva 10—21
4 Conditional probability on IF-events Veronika Valenčáková 22—26
5 A note on IFS modifications and possible applications to machine translation Peter Vassilev 27—29
6 Entropy on IF-events Marek Ďurica 30—40
7 On intuitionistic fuzzy negations and intuitionistic fuzzy modal operators Chris Hinde, Krassimir Atanassov 41—44
8 Remark and open problems on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and complex analysis Krassimir Atanassov 45—48


Fourth IWIFS was held on 13 October 2008. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 14, No. 4.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 A new proof of the existence of joint M-observable Petra Mazureková 1—5
2 Some properties of two operations over intuitionistic fuzzy sets Beloslav Riečan, Krassimir Atanassov 6—10
3 Weak law of large numbers in P-probability theory Karol Samuelčik 11—14
4 On intuitionistic fuzzy negations and intuitionistic fuzzy level operators Krassimir Atanassov 15—19
5 Generalized net model of process of the European Awareness Scenario Workshop Method with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations Sotir Sotirov, Evdokia Sotirova, Yanislav Zhelev, Maria Zheleva 20—26
6 Generalized net model of the Ro-Ro traffic with intuitionistic fuzzy estimation Sotir Sotirov, Vasil Bobev 27—33
7 Intuitionistic fuzzy extensions to the Information Technology Infrastructure Library Configuration Management Database Ivaylo Ivanov, Boyan Kolev 34—40


Fifth IWIFS was held on 19 October 2009. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 15, No. 4.

 RAR (839 Kb, File info)

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Symmetry between true, false and uncertain: An explanation Eulalia Szmidt, Vladik Kreinovich 1—8
2 On intuitionistic fuzzy subtraction, related to intuitionistic fuzzy negation ¬11 Beloslav Riečan, Diana Boyadzhieva, Krassimir Atanassov 9—14
3 On intuitionistic fuzzy subtraction, related to intuitionistic fuzzy negation ¬4 Beloslav Riečan, Magdaléna Renčová, Krassimir Atanassov 15—18
4 The generalized modal operator F pα,β over p-intuitionistic fuzzy sets Peter Vassilev 19—24
5 A note on a geometric interpretation of the intuitionistic fuzzy set operators Pα,β and Qα,β Ludmila Todorova, Peter Vassilev 25—29
6 On intuitionistic fuzzy subtraction, generated by an implication from Kleene-Dienes type Lilija Atanassova 30—32
7 A new similarity measure and new distances for intuitionistic fuzzy sets Eulalia Szmidt, Janusz Kacprzyk, Radoslav Tzvetkov 33—39
8 Generalized net model of process of the European awareness scenario workshop method with intuitionistic fuzzy estimation Sotir Sotirov, Evdokia Sotirova, Yanislav Zhelev, Maria Zheleva 40—44
9 Intuitionistic fuzzy logic in generalized net model of an advisory system for yeast cultivation on-line control Tania Pencheva 45—51
10 On intuitionistic fuzzy trees and their index matrix interpretation Panagiotis Chountas, Anthony Shannon, Parvathi Rangasamy, Krassimir Atanassov 52—56


Sixth IWIFS was held on 11 October 2010. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 16, No. 4.

 RAR (987 Kb, File info)

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Operation division by n over intuitionistic fuzzy sets Beloslav Riečan, Krassimir Atanassov 1—4
2 The Inclusion-Exclusion principle for IF-events Karol Samuelčík, Jana Kelemenová 5—8
3 The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle on some algebraic structures Jana Kelemenová, Mária Kuková 9—11
4 Geometric interpretation and the properties of two new operators over the intuitionistic fuzzy sets Peter Vassilev, Lyudmila Todorova 12—16
5 Conditional probability on the Kôpka D-posets Ivana Hollá, Karol Samuelčík 17—25
6 On some ways of determining membership and non-membership functions characterizing intuitionistic fuzzy sets Krassimir Atanassov, Eulalia Szmidt, Janusz Kacprzyk 26—30
7 On intuitionistic fuzzy histograms Lilija Atanassova, George Gluhchev, Krassimir Atanassov 31—36


Seventh IWIFS was held on 27 September 2011. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 17, No. 4.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 On Zadeh's intuitionistic fuzzy subtraction Beloslav Riečan, Krassimir Atanassov 1—4
2 The inclusion-exclusion principle for product operations on IF-events Mária Kuková 5—10
3 Automatic verification of properties of intuitionistic fuzzy connectives via Mathematica Trifon Trifonov 11—15
4 Generalized net model of the process of defining intuitionistic fuzzy estimation in petroleum recognition with neural networks Sotir Sotirov, Alexander Dimitrov 16—20
5 Generalized nets with places having intuitionistic fuzzy capacities Krassimir Atanassov, Vassia Atanassova, Panagiotis Chountas, Anthony Shannon 21—28
6 Intuitionistic fuzzy estimations of biological interactions Hristo Aladjov 29—38
7 Classification of the students' intuitionistic fuzzy estimations by a 3-dimensional self organizing map Evdokia Sotirova 39—44


Eighth IWIFS was held on 9 October 2012. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 18, No. 4.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Intuitionistic fuzzy implication →C and negation ¬C Krassimir Atanassov 1—7
2 On Lagrange mean value theorem for functions on Atanassov IF-sets Beloslav Riečan 8—11
3 New operations over intuitionistic fuzzy index matrices Veselina Bureva, Evdokia Sotirova and Krassimir Atanassov 12—18
4 Intuitionistic fuzzy load balancing in cloud computing Marin Marinov 19—25
5 Publication's assessment with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations Evdokia Sotirova, Sotir Sotirov, Ivelina Vardeva and Beloslav Riečan 26—31
6 Generalized net model of the process of evaluation of the environmental impact of refinery activity using intuitionistic fuzzy estimations Tania Pencheva, Nikolai Novachev, Dicho Stratiev and Krassimir Atanassov 32—39
7 Operators similar to operators defined over intuitionistic fuzzy sets Peter Vassilev 40—47
8 Arcs in intuitionistic fuzzy graphs M. G. Karunambigai, R. Parvathi and R. Buvaneswari 48—58
9 Shannon approach to intuitionistic fuzzy information definition. Part 2 Marin Marinov 59—63
10 Intuitionistic fuzzy perfectly weakly generalized continuous mappings P. Rajarajeswari and R. Krishna Moorthy 64—76


Ninth IWIFS was held on 8 October 2013. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 19, No. 2.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Modifications of the weight-center operator, defined over intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Part 2 Beloslav Riečan, Adrian Ban and Krassimir Atanassov 1—5
2 Modifications of the weight-center operator, defined over intuitionistic fuzzy sets with a countable universe Magdaléna Tomová 6—9
3 On intuitionistic fuzzy implications, negations and the law (¬A ⊃ ¬B) ⊃ ((¬A ⊃ ¬¬B) ⊃ ¬¬A) Krassimir Atanassov 10—20
4 On an operator, mapping intuitionistic fuzzy sets into fuzzy sets Peter Vassilev 21—24
5 Some new equalities connected with intuitionistic fuzzy sets Rajkumar Verma and Bhu Dev Sharma 25—30
6 The limit theorems on the interval valued events Karol Samuelčík and Ivana Hollá 31—41
7 Evaluation of credit risk in SMEs financing using index matrices and intuitionistic fuzzy estimations Ivaylo Mihaylov and Evdokia Sotirova 42—52
8 Relation between semipreclosed sets and beta closed sets in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces D. Jayanthi 53—56
9 An intuitionistic fuzzy estimation of the area of 2D–figures Evgeni Marinov, Emilia Velizarova and Krassimir Atanassov 57—70
10 Generalized net model of intuitionistic fuzzy logic control of genetic algorithm parameters Olympia Roeva and Alžbeta Michalíková 71—76
11 Connection between generalized nets with characteristics of the places and intuitionistic fuzzy generalized nets of type 1 and type 2 Velin Andonov 77—88

10th IWIFS

Tenth IWIFS was held on 29 September 2014. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 20, No. 4.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Some properties of operations conjunction and disjunction from Łukasiewicz type over intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Part 2 Beloslav Riečan and Krassimir Atanassov 1—6
2 Note on the (μ, ν)-coherence relation, defined over intuitionistic fuzzy sets Peter Vassilev, Lyudmila Todorova, Kalin Kosev 7—9
3 Remark on the intuitionistic fuzzy forms of two classical logic axioms. Part 2 Lilija Atanassova 10—13
4 On the Łukasiewicz operations over intuitionistic fuzzy sets Beloslav Riečan and Štefan Tkáčik 14—18
5 On the extension of group-valued measures Alžbeta Michalíková 19—31
6 D-posets and effect algebras Martina Paulínyová 32—40
7 Sum- and average-based approach to criteria shortlisting in the InterCriteria Analysis Vassia Atanassova and Ivelina Vardeva 41—46
8 Assessment of credit risk in SMEs financing using neural networks and intuitionistic fuzzy estimations Evdokia Sotirova, Magdalena Georgieva and Ivaylo Mihaylov 47—52
9 Intuitionistic fuzzy logic control of metaheuristic algorithms' parameters via a generalized net Olympia Roeva and Alžbeta Michalíková 53—58
10 On 3-dimensional intuitionistic fuzzy index matrices Velichka Traneva 59—64
11 An (α,β)-tautology and a problem, related to it Krassimir Atanassov 65—67

11th IWIFS

Eleventh IWIFS was held on 30 October 2015. The workshop proceedings are published in NIFS, Vol. 21, No. 5.

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Modal forms of Fodor's type of intuitionistic fuzzy implication Eulalia Szmidt, Janusz Kacprzyk and Krassimir Atanassov 1–6
2 On two formulations of the IF state representation theorem Beloslav Riečan 7–10
3 A note on new distances between intuitionistic fuzzy sets Peter Vassilev 11–15
4 On the Poincaré recurrence theorem on IF-sets Jaroslav Považan 16–19
5 Intercriteria analysis of the intuitionistic fuzzy implication properties Nora Angelova, Krassimir Atanassov and Beloslav Riečan 20–23
6 The Inclusion–Exclusion principle for general IF-states Daniela Kluvancová 24–32
7 Intuitionistic fuzzy estimation of a model of a thermoelectric cooling system I. Belovski, A. Alexandrov, L. Staneva and S. Sotirov 33–39
8 An application of the InterCriteria Analysis approach to health-related quality of life Desislava Vankova, Evdokia Sotirova and Veselina Bureva 40–48
9 Application of the intercriteria analysis for selection of growth rate models for cultivation of strain Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis MC 5 Mitko Petrov and Tatiana Ilkova 49–60

See also