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Issue:The Inclusion-Exclusion principle for IF-events

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Title of paper: The Inclusion-Exclusion principle for IF-events
Karol Samuelčík
Faculty of Natural Science, Matej Bel University, Department of Mathematics, Tajovského 40, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Jana Kelemenová
Faculty of Natural Science, Matej Bel University, Department of Mathematics, Tajovského 40, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Presented at: 6th IWIFS, Banska Bystrica, 11 October 2010
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 16 (2010) Number 4, pages 5—8
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  2. Ciungu,L.- Riečan,B.: General form of probability on IF-sets. In:Fuzzy Logic and Applications, Proc.8th Int.Workshop WILF, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,101-107.
  3. Petrovičov ,J. - Riečan,B.: On the Lukasiewicz probability theory on IF-sets. IN:Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. (to appear)
  4. Grzegorzewski , P: The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle for IF-events. IN: Information Sciences (to appear)

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