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Issue:Automatic verification of properties of intuitionistic fuzzy connectives via Mathematica

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Title of paper: Automatic verification of properties of intuitionistic fuzzy connectives via Mathematica
Trifon Trifonov
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University
Presented at: 7th IWIFS, Banska Bystrica, 27 September 2011
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 17 (2011) Number 4, pages 11—15
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Abstract: Intuitionistic fuzzy logic as defined by K. Atanassov [1, 3], is an extension of fuzzy logic, using the more general intuitionistic fuzzy sets as a model. The extension allows for many different definitions of various logical connectives, such as implication and negation, which can be suitable for different needs. This paper suggests a method for automatic verification of properties of intuitionistic fuzzy connectives using the computer algebra system Mathematica [6].
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy logic, Mathematica, computer algebra, automatic verification
AMS Classification: 03B35, 03B52, 03E72, 68T15, 68W30
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  6. Wolfram, S. Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1988, Boston, MA, USA.
  7. Trifonov, T., K. Atanassov. (2006) On some intuitionistic properties of intuitionistic fuzzy implications and negations. In: Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications (Reusch B., Ed.), Vol.38, Advances in Soft Computing, Dortmund, Germany. Springer, Berlin, September 2006, 151–158.
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