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Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets/27

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Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume 27 (2021).

Number 1

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Lotfi A. Zadeh: A great researcher and scholar already before fuzzy sets/logic Janusz Kacprzyk 1—4
2 Lotfi Zadeh – some personal memories Eulalia Szmidt 5—8
3 Modifications of the Third Zadeh’s intuitionistic fuzzy implication Krassimir T. Atanassov and Nora Angelova 9—23
4 Circular intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS method with vague membership functions:Supplier selection application context Cengiz Kahraman and Nurşah Alkan 24—52
5 Note on one inequality and its application in intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory. Part 1 Mladen Vassilev-Missana 53—59
6 Intuitionistic anti fuzzy normed ideals Nour Abed Alhaleem and Abd Ghafur Ahmad 60—71
7 Connectedness concept in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces Md. Aman Mahbub, Md. Sahadat Hossain and M. Altab Hossain 72—82
8 Stability of intuitionistic fuzzy nonlinear fractional differential equations Said Melliani, Ali El Mfadel, Lalla Saadia Chadli and M'hamed Elomari 83—100

This issue of Int. Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is published with the financial support of the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Grant Ref. No. KP-06-NP-2/23/2020.

Number 2

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 Fuzzy logic research work in Mexico motivated by Lotfi Zadeh Oscar Castillo and Patricia Melin 1—10
2 On the weak intuitionistic fuzzy implication based on △ operation Lilija Atanassova and Piotr Dworniczak 11—19
3 Research on intuitionistic fuzzy implications Nora Angelova and Krassimir T. Atanassov 20—93
4 Martingale convergence theorem for a conditional intuitionistic fuzzy mean value Katarína Čunderlíková 94—102

This issue of Int. Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is published with the financial support of the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Grant Ref. No. KP-06-NP-2/23/2020.

Number 3

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 My meetings with Prof. Lotfi Zadeh Krassimir Atanassov 1—8
2 On intuitionistic fuzzy version of Zadeh's extension principle Selami Bayeğ and Raziye Mert 9—17
3 Research on intuitionistic fuzzy negations Nora Angelova and Krassimir T. Atanassov 18—31
4 Modifications of Łukasiewicz's intuitionistic fuzzy implication Alžbeta Michalíková, Eulalia Szmidt and Peter Vassilev 32—39
5 Application of intuitionistic fuzzy sets to environmental management I. M. Adamu 40—50
6 Norms over intuitionistic fuzzy congruence relations on rings Rasul Rasuli 51—68
7 On а study on intuitionistic fuzzy r-normal spaces M. S. Islam, R. Islam and M. S. Hossain 69—82
8 Intuitionistic fuzzy transport equation Zineb Belhallaj, Said Melliani, M'hamed Elomari and Lalla Saadia Chadli 83—97

This issue of Int. Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is published with the financial support of the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Grant Ref. No. KP-06-NP-2/23/2020.

Number 4

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 The impact of Lotfi Zadeh on my scientific life Etienne E. Kerre 1—8
2 Operation Δ as the tool for the de-i-fuzzification procedure and for the correction of the unconscientious experts' evaluations Lilija Atanassova and Piotr Dworniczak 9—19
3 Modifications of the Goguen's intuitionistic fuzzy implication Janusz Kacprzyk, Katarína Čunderlíková, Nora Angelova and Krassimir T. Atanassov 20—29
4 A new type of intuitionistic fuzzy modal operators over intuitionistic fuzzy pairs Krassimir T. Atanassov 30—35
5 Intuitionistic fuzzy quasi-interior ideals of semigroups Sinem Tarsuslu (Yılmaz) and Gökhan Çuvalcıoğlu 36—43
6 Intuitionistic L-fuzzy essential and closed submodules P. K. Sharma, Kanchan and Gagandeep Kaur 44—54
7 Categorical properties of intuitionistic fuzzy groups P. K. Sharma, Chandni 55—70
8 Intuitionistic fuzzy evaluation of artificial neural network model Todor Petkov, Veselina Bureva and Stanislav Popov 71—77
9 Note on one inequality and its application in intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory. Part 2 Mladen Vassilev-Missana 78—81

This issue of Int. Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is published with the financial support of the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Grant Ref. No. KP-06-NP-2/23/2020.