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Issue:Application of intuitionistic fuzzy sets to environmental management

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Title of paper: Application of intuitionistic fuzzy sets to environmental management
I. M. Adamu
Department of Mathematics, Federal University Dutse, P.M.B 7156, Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria
Published in: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume 27 (2021), Number 3, pages 40–50
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Abstract: Environmental management is a decision making problem with a great deal of uncertainties. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets provide a model to elaborate these uncertainties and vagueness involve in decision making. This paper, proposes an application of intuitionistic fuzzy set to environmental management in order to determine the type of erosion(s) affecting some towns for an effective control measure that has to be taken using a distance function. In order to achieve this, a set of erosions and their causes are assumed, and also we assume a survey for the set of towns to determine the type of erosion approaching them for an effective control measure to be taken.
Keywords: Fuzzy sets, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Environmental management, Erosion.
AMS Classification: 20N20, 03E72.
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