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Issue:Generalized net for optimal feed rate control of fed-batch fermentation processes

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Title of paper: Generalized net for optimal feed rate control of fed-batch fermentation processes
Olympia Roeva
Centre of Biomedical Engineering “Prof. Ivan Daskalov” - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 105, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Presented at: 5th International Workshop on Generalized Nets, Sofia, 10 November 2004
Published in: Conference proceedings, pages 6—12
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Abstract: In this paper an optimal control algorithm fed-batch fermentation processes in terms of Generalized nets is developed. A simple material balance model is used. The optimal feed rate control of a primary metabolite process is studied and a biomass production is used as an example. An optimization of a fed-batch fermentation process is done using the calculus of variations to determine an optimal feed rate profile. The problem is formulated as a free final time problem where the control objective is to maximise biomass at the end of the process. Depending on the sign of Ψ the Generalized net is defined the feed rate which should be used for the process. The facility of obtaining net demonstrates the flexibility and the efficiency of the theory of Generalized nets.
Keywords: Generalized net, Optimal control, Fermentation process, Calculus of variations
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