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Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets/24/2

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Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume 24 (2018), Number 2.

Journal contents

Number Title Author(s) Pages
1 A remark on intuitionistic fuzzy implications Peter Vassilev, Simeon Ribagin and Janusz Kacprzyk 1—7
2 Intuitionistic fuzzy modal operators of second type over interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Part 1 Krassimir Atanassov 8—17
3 Intuitionistic fuzzy action of a group on a set Sinem Tarsuslu (Yilmaz), Ali Tarsuslu and Mehmet Çitil 18—24
4 Intuitionistic fuzzy hollow submodules P. K. Sharma and Gagandeep Kaur 25—32
5 IF topological vector spaces Moumita Chiney and S. K. Samanta 33—51
6 Approximate solution of intuitionistic fuzzy differential equations by using Picard's method R. Ettoussi, S. Melliani and L. S. Chadli 52—62
7 The Pickands–Balkema–de Haan theorem for intuitionistic fuzzy events Katarína Čunderlíková and Renáta Bartková 63—75
8 On some methods of probability Alžbeta Michalíková and Beloslav Riečan 76—83
9 Intercriteria analysis of countries in transition from factor-driven to efficiency-driven economy Vassia Atanassova, Lyubka Doukovska and Maciej Krawczak 84—96
10 Optimization of intuitionistic and type-2 fuzzy systems in control Oscar Castillo 97—105
11 Genetic optimization of type-1, interval and intuitionistic fuzzy recognition systems Patricia Melin 106—128
12 Big data, intuitionistic fuzzy sets and MapReduce operators Panagiotis Chountas, Krassimir Atanassov,Vassia Atanassova,Evdokia Sotirova, Sotir Sotirov and Olympia Roeva 129—135

This issue of Int. Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is published with the financial support of the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Grant Ref. No. DNP-06-8/2017.