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Issue:Z2-graded intuitionistic L-fuzzy q-deformed quantum subspaces of Aq

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Title of paper: Z2-graded intuitionistic L-fuzzy q-deformed quantum subspaces of Aq
Marzieh Mostafavi
Department of Mathematics, University of Qom, Qom, Iran
Published in: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume 28 (2022), Number 2, pages 93–112
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Abstract: In this paper, assuming that ⟨L, ≤〉 is a lattice set with a few specific conditions, intuitionistic L-fuzzy subalgebras, intuitionistic L-fuzzy subcoalgebras and intuitionistic L-fuzzy left (right) coideals are defined and the properties of intuitionistic L-fuzzy subcoalgebras under homomorphisms of coalgebras are investigated. Duality of intuitionistic L-fuzzy subalgebras and duality of intuitionistic L-fuzzy subcoalgebras are also discussed. Intuitionistic L-fuzzy subbialgebras as well as intuitionistic L-fuzzy Hoph subalgebras are studied. Intuitionistic L-fuzzy quantum subsets of kq[x, y] are established and also Z2-graded intuitionistic L-fuzzy q-deformed quantum subspaces of Aq are introduced.
Keywords: Intuitionistic L-fuzzy subcoalgebras, Intuitionistic L-fuzzy Hoph subalgebras, Z2-graded intuitionistic L-fuzzy q-deformed quantum subspaces.
AMS Classification: 08A72, 16T05, 17B05.
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