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Issue:Generalized continuity in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces

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Title of paper: Generalized continuity in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces
Samajh Singh Thakur
Department of Applied Mathematics, Government Engineering College, Jabalpur (M.P.) 482011
Rekha Chaturvedi
Department of Mathematics, Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur(M.P.) 482001
Published in: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume 12 (2006), Number 1, pages 38—44
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Abstract: In this paper we introduce and study the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy g-continuous mappings in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces.
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy topology, Intuitionistic fuzzy points, Intuitionistic fuzzy g-closed sets, Intuitionistic fuzzy g-open sets
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