As of August 2024, International Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is being indexed in Scopus.
Please check our Instructions to Authors and send your manuscripts to Next issue: March 2025.


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Modelling Processes with Fixed Development Rules (ModProFix)

No. ДИД-02-29 (January 2010 — December 2012)

The results obtained during the course of the project will be made available to the research community through:

  • publications in scientific journals and presentations on scientific conferences,
  • proceedings of the scientific events that will be organized by the project partners,
  • monographs, which will be published in the end of the project,
  • active promotion of the developed leading computational and scientific technologies at national and regional level.

The team members will present their achievements in front of specialists from the relevant fields. They will have a possibility to participate in scientific discussions which will give ideas for further development of the research area. The project will become a basis for new and fruitful collaborations and for dissemination of the achieved results.

The project members will carry out seminars in institutions where they work, over the aims and achieved results. The seminars will be widely announced and researchers from various branches will be invited, as well as end users of the developed methods, algorithms and implementations. The presentation of the reports, communicated on scientific forums and workshops, will be uploaded on the project website.

It has been also considered to develop informational-educational articles about the key terms within the project scope for publishing in the Bulgarian version of the free electronic encyclopedia, Wikipedia.