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Issue:Strong law of large numbers on MV-algebras

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Title of paper: Strong law of large numbers on MV-algebras
Mária Kuková
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tajovskeho 40, 974 01 Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Jana Kelemenová
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tajovskeho 40, 974 01 Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Presented at: 11th IWGN, Sofia, 5 December 2010
Published in: Conference proceedings, pages 75—82
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Abstract: The aim is to approve the Strong law of large numbers on MV-algebras by the new approach, using the observable as a distribution function, and not a σ-homomorphism. The main idea is in a local representation of σ-algebras. The following theorem is proved: Let M be a σ-complete MV-algebra with product, m : M 􀀀→ [0; 1] be a σ-additive state, (xn)n be a sequence of independent square integrable observables, such that Σn=1 σ2(xn) / n2 < ∞. Then

limp→∞limk→∞limi→∞(∧n=kk+i(1/n Σj=1n(xj − E(xj)) (− 1/p, 1/p)) = 1

Keywords: MV-algebra, Central limit theorem
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