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Issue:Intuitionistic fuzzy component failure impact analysis (IFCFIA) – A gradual method for SLA dependency mapping and bi-polar impact assessment

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Title of paper: Intuitionistic fuzzy component failure impact analysis (IFCFIA) – A gradual method for SLA dependency mapping and bi-polar impact assessment
Roland Schütze
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Presented at: 17th International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 1–2 November 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 19, 2013, Number 3, pages 62—72
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Abstract: This concept provides a bridge from IT-centric service levels, written in IT technical terms, to business-oriented service achievement. The proposed IFCFIA methodology will help for Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to relate metrics for business applications into measurable parameters for technical services that can be defined and reported against a SLA and monitored under Service Level Management. It allows assessing the complex dependency and impact relationships of low-level backend components to the quality of the frontend service. This work defines dependency couplings in a practical and feasible manner in order to satisfy aspects of the distributed nature of SLAs in a multi-tier-architectural environment and offers transparency into complex impact assessments. IFCFIA starts from the idea of naturally approaching impact relationships by separately envisaging positive and negative aspects with the notion of bipolarity. Performing an intelligent multi-level impact- or fault-tree analysis by means of intuitionistic fuzzy mathematical models it unveils business insights into how service accounts as a whole can improve quality and allows pro-actively tracking measures of backend components to gather the overall SLA quality status of the business service.
Keywords: Service Level, SLA, Business Impact, Services Quality, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets.
AMS Classification: 03E72, 03E75.
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