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Issue:Generalized nets in image processing and pattern recognition

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Title of paper: Generalized nets in image processing and pattern recognition
Krassimir Atanassov
CLBME-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 12, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria
Georgi Gluhchev
Institute of Information Technologies, Bulg. Acad. of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 29A, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria
Stefan Hadjitodorov
CLBME-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 12, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria
Anthony Shannon
KvB Institute of Technology, North Sydney, 2060, Australia
Warrane College, University of New South Wales, Kensington, 1465, Australia
Vasil Vasilev
Institute of Information Technologies, Bulg. Acad. of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 29A, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria
Presented at: 6th International Workshop on Generalized Nets. Sofia, 17 December 2005
Published in: Conference proceedings, pages 47-60
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Abstract: Generalized Nets (GNs) are extensions of Petri nets and their other extensions and modifications. A lot of research was carried out in the last 15 years to show the possibilities for the representation by GNs of different objects from the area of Artificial Intelligence. In a series of papers they were used for modelling in image processing. The possibilities of the GNs as a tool for modelling in this area are presented and an example of a GN-model of a writer identification system is given.
Keywords: Generalized nets, Image processing, Pattern recognition
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  11. Atanassov K., G. Gluhchev, S. Hadjitodorov, A. Shannon and V. Vassilev. Generalized Nets and Pattern Recognition. KvB Visual Concepts Pty Ltd, Monograph No. 6, Sydney, 2003.
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  14. Gluhchev G., K. Atanassov, S. Hadjitodorov, E. Szmidt and A. Shannon. Intuitionistic fuzzy generalized net model of the process of handwriting analysis. Proc. of the Third Conf. of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology EUSFLAT' 2003, Zittau, 10-12 Sept. 2003, 218-222.
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