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Issue:Common fixed point theorems in ϵ-chainable intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces

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Title of paper: Common fixed point theorems in ϵ-chainable intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces
M. Jeyaraman
PG and Research Department of Mathematics, Raja Doraisingam Govt. Arts College, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, India
N. Nagarajan
Department of Basic Engineering, St. Joseph Polytechnic College, Tirumayam, Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India
Saurabh Manro
School of Mathematics and Computer Applications, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 20, 2014, Number 3, pages 42-52
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Abstract: In this paper, we prove a common fixed point by using a new notion of absorbing maps in ϵ-chainable intuitionistic fuzzy metric space with reciprocal continuity and semicompatible maps. Ours result generalizes results of Ranadive et al. [10, 11], A. Jain et al. [6], Y. Bano et al. [4] and M. Verma et al. [13] in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces.
Keywords: Absorbing maps, Semi-compatible mapping, Reciprocal continuity, Intuitionistic fuzzy metric space.
AMS Classification: 54H25, 47H10.
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