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Issue:Cardinality and entropy of IF sets

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Title of paper: Cardinality and entropy of IF sets
Pavol Král
Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University, Department of Mathematics, Tajovskeho 10 974 01 Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Presented at: 9th ICIFS, Sofia, 7-8 May 2005
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 11 (2008) Number 3, pages 78—87
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Abstract: There are two basic different approaches to the entropy of finite IF sets. One can be found in [3], the other in [17]. The paper # has presented the possible extensions of axiomatic theory of the scalar cardinality of finite fuzzy sets developed by Wygralak (see [23]) to the case of IF sets. The aim of our contribution is to show the connections of cardinalities of finite IF sets to both entropies. We will show that the entropy in both sense can be derived from appropriate cardinality.
Keywords: cardinality, IF sets, entropy
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