As of August 2024, International Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is being indexed in Scopus.
Please check our Instructions to Authors and send your manuscripts to Next issue: March 2025.


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26th International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
26–27 June 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria

Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of the foundation of the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

ICIFS'2023 is an

Important dates

21 April 2023

Submission of manuscripts

5 May 2023

Notification of acceptance

21 May 2023

Submission of final versions; deadline for payment of early conference fees

5 June 2023

Payment of late conference fees

26–27 June 2023

Conference dates at the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, BAS

Aim and scope

The aim of the annual International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (ICIFS) is to gather specialists interested in intuitionistic fuzziness, decision making under uncertainty, and other related topics, and to give them floor for discussions on both the theoretical and practical aspects of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Since 2013, ICIFS has been an EUSFLAT endorsed event.

Download the First Call for Papers (PDF, 693 Kb).

Conference Chairs and Committee

Conference Chairs
Program Committee
Organizing Committee

Instructions for the Manuscripts and Presentations

All papers accepted for presentation at ICIFS'2023 will be published in the Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" (ISSN: 1310-4926, e-ISSN: 2367-8283) and will be freely available online under Open Access and with DOI numbers. Papers should not exceed 20 A4 pages and should comply with the paper template of the Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" and the Journal's Publication Ethics Policy. Manuscripts will be subject to rigorous peer review by two independent reviewers.

Participants who are willing to attend physically in the conference will be recorded and live streamed for those who attend the conference online.

Participants who are willing to attend online are requested to prepare and submit in advance a back-up video of their presentation (which will be streamed in case of any technical problems) and stay online to answer any live questions from the audience.

E-mail for paper submissions and conference correspondence:

Registration and COVID Provisions

Regular participants Students and EUSFLAT members
Deadline of payment: 5 June 2023 EUR 200.00 EUR 150.00
Note: Details about bank transfer will be provided upon manuscript acceptance.
All bank transfer fees are on behalf of the participant.

Registration fee includes conference access, a copy of the Proceedings and conference materials, coffee breaks, the gala dinner, and the conference trip.


MONDAY, 26 June

BG time (EEST) Universal time (UTC) Presenter's local time (if different) Author(s) / Presenter Paper title
9:55-10:00 EEST 6:55-7:00 UTC OPENING CEREMONY
10:00-10:30 EEST 7:00-7:30 UTC Katarína Čunderlíková About the Lp space of intuitionistic fuzzy observables
10:30-11:00 EEST 7:30-8:00 UTC Peter Vassilev Trigonometric-based operators over intuitionistic fuzzy sets
11:00-11:30 EEST 8:00-8:30 UTC 10:00-10:30 CEST Eulalia Szmidt, Janusz Kacprzyk and Paweł Bujnowski (online) Identification of a sufficient number of the best attributes in the intuitionistic fuzzy models
11:30-12:00 EEST 8:30-9:00 UTC Krassimir Atanassov, Deyan Mavrov and Vassia Atanassova (online) InterCriteria Analysis with weight coefficients of objects or criteria
12:00-12:30 EEST 9:00-9:30 UTC 12:30-13:00 Iran ST Rasul Rasili (online) Normality and translation of IFS(G × Q) under norms
12:30-14:00 EEST 9:30-10:00 UTC LUNCH
14:00-14:30 EEST 11:00-11:30 UTC 16:30-17:00 India ST R. Parvathi, R. K. Nivedhaa, Vassia Atanassova (online) Role of operations over intuitionistic fuzzy index matrices in color image analysis
14:30-15:00 EEST 11:30-12:00 UTC 17:00-17:30 India ST P. K. Sharma (online) Intuitionistic L-fuzzy classical prime and intuitionistic L-fuzzy 2-absorbing submodules
15:00-15:30 EEST 12:00-12:30 UTC Veselina Bureva, Cengiz Kahraman, Sotir Sotirov (online) Investigation of the Turkish University Rankings using InterCriteria Analysis
15:30-16:00 EEST 12:30-13:00 UTC Veselina Bureva, Ivanka Stamova, Zlatko Yordanov, Evdokia Sotirova (online) InterCriteria Analysis Applied to the Health Problems Declared by Individuals in Bulgaria
16:00-16:30 EEST 13:00-13:30 UTC Velin Andonov, Stoyan Poryazov, Emiliya Saranova Intuitionistic fuzzy estimations of quality of service compositions
16:30-17:00 EEST 13:30-14:00 UTC Krassimir Atanassov Intuitionistic fuzzy bimodal topological structures

TUESDAY, 27 June

BG time (EEST) Universal time (UTC) Presenter's local time (if different) Author(s) / Presenter Paper title
10:00-10:30 EEST 7:00-7:30 UTC Veselina Bureva, Krassimir Atanassov, Yana Mersinkova, Dicho Stratiev Evaluating the Performance of Catalyst and Feedstocks in the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process: Application of InterCriteria Analysis with Weight Coefficients of the Objects
10:30-11:00 EEST 7:30-8:00 UTC Deyan Mavrov, Stanislav Popov, Valentin Nenov, Dicho Stratiev Evaluating the Performance of Catalyst and Feedstocks in the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process: Application of InterCriteria Analysis with Weight Coefficients of the Criteria
11:00-11:30 EEST 8:00-8:30 UTC Simeon Ribagin, Antoaneta Grozeva, Gergana Angelova-Popova Intuitionistic fuzzy generalized net model of rehabilitation algorithm for patients whit osteoarthritis
11:30-12:00 EEST 8:30-9:00 UTC Sotir Sotirov, Maciej Krawczak, Krassimir Atanassov Intuitionistic fuzzy neural network with filtering functions. An index matrix interpretation
12:00-13:30 EEST 9:00-10:30 UTC LUNCH
14:00- EEST 11:00- UTC Free time / Informal discussions


  • Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Vassia Atanassova, PhD
  • Phone: 0035929793609
  • Email: or