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Issue:Topologies generated by intuitionistic fuzzy numbers

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Title of paper: Topologies generated by intuitionistic fuzzy numbers
R. Santhi
Department of Mathematics, N.G.M., College, Pollachi, Tamilnadu, India
E. Kungumaraj
Department of Mathematics, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Published in: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume 26 (2020), Number 1, pages 36–45
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Abstract: In this paper we have introduced a method to generate the topologies using the intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, which is the extension work of the topologies generated by the fuzzy numbers. For this we have used (α,β)-cut of intuitionistic fuzzy number, triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number and trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy numbers.
Keywords: Fuzzy number, Triangular fuzzy number, Trapezoidal fuzzy number,α-cut of fuzzy numbers, Intuitionistic fuzzy number, Triangular Intuitionistic fuzzy number, Trapezoidal Intuitionistic fuzzy number, (α,β)-cut of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers.
AMS Classification: 03F55, 54A05.
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