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Issue:System for electronic student-teacher interactions with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations

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Title of paper: System for electronic student-teacher interactions with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations
Anthony Shannon
KvB Institute of Technology, North Sydney, NSW 2060
Warrane College, University of NSW, Kensington 1465, Australia
Daniela Orozova
Free University of Bourgas, Bourgas-8000, Bulgaria
Evdokia Sotirova
"Prof. Asen Zlatarov" University, Bourgas-8000, Bulgaria
Krassimir Atanassov
CLBME - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 105, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria
Maciej Krawczak
Systems Research Institute - Polish Academy of Sciences
Wyzsza Szkola Informatyki Stosowanej i Zarzadzania,, Warsaw, Poland
Pedro Melo-Pinto
CETAV - University of Tras-os-Montes е Alto Douro, Ap. 1014, 5001-911 Vila Real, Portugal
Taekyun Kim
Institute of Science Education, Kongju National University, Kongju 314-701, S. Korea or
Presented at: 11th ICIFS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 28-30 April 2007
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 13 (2007) Number 2, pages 81—87
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Abstract: The presented system for electronic student-teacher interaction is part of a project aimed at creating a system for distance education serving the needs of a university. The design and realization of the client's part of the application, allowing the users access to the services of the system via WWW, the development of the service "Offline consultation" and its integration in the system are being considered. The real process of communication in the system is modeled by a generalized net. This net gives us the opportunity to use the implementation of various analyses and statistics in order to to generate ideas for enhancing this process

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