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Issue:On probability and independence in intuitionistic fuzzy set theory

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Title of paper: On probability and independence in intuitionistic fuzzy set theory
Tadeusz Gerstenkorn
Institute of Mathematics, Łódż University, 22 Banacha Str, 94-238, Łódż, Poland
Jacek Mańko
Institute of Mathematics, Łódż University, 22 Banacha Str, 94-238, Łódż, Poland
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 1 (1995) Number 1, pages 36—39
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Abstract: The present article includes a synthetic approach to the concept of probability in intuitionistic fuzzy set theory and gives some remarks and thoughts concerning the conception of total probability and Bayes' theorem.
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy set, Probability of intuitionistic fuzzy events, Independence of intuitionistic fuzzy events
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