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Issue:Norms over bifuzzy bi-ideals with operators in semigroups

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Title of paper: Norms over bifuzzy bi-ideals with operators in semigroups
Rasul Rasuli
Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Published in: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume 25 (2019), Number 1, pages 1–11
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Abstract: In this paper, by using norms (T and C) we introduce the concepts of Ω-bifuzzy subsemigroups, Ω-bifuzzy ideals and Ω-bifuzzy bi-ideals of semigroup S and consider some of their properties and structured characteristics.
Keywords: Theory of groups, Ideals, Norms, Intuitionistic mathematics, Fuzzy set theory, Lattice.
AMS Classification: 05B10, 06B10, 03B45, 03F55, 03E72, 06D50
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