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Issue:On I-lacunary summability methods of order α in intuitionistic fuzzy 2-normed spaces

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Title of paper: On I-lacunary summability methods of order α in intuitionistic fuzzy 2-normed spaces
Ekrem Savaş
Department of Mathematics, Istanbul Ticaret University, Sütlüce-Istanbul, Turkey
Published in: "Notes on IFS", Volume 23, 2017, Number 4, pages 15—30
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Abstract: In this paper, we introduce and study the notion I-statistical convergence of order α, and I-lacunary statistical convergence of order α with respect to the intuitionistic fuzzy 2-normed space, investigate their relationship and also we have proved some inclusion theorems.
Keywords: Ideal, Filter, I-statistical convergence, I-lacunary statistical convergence, Statistical convergence of order α
AMS Classification: Primary 40G99
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