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Issue:Intuitionistic fuzzy set energies

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Title of paper: Intuitionistic fuzzy set energies
Tadeusz Gerstenkorn
Lodz University, Faculty of Mathematics, ul. Banacha 22, PL 90-238 Lodz, Poland
Jacek Mańko
Lodz University, Faculty of Mathematics, ul. Banacha 22, PL 90-238 Lodz, Poland
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 9 (2003), Number 1, pages 41-48
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Abstract: The concepts of energies of intuitionistic fuzzy sets that were for the first time paid attention to in [9] and [5] and thoroughly discussed in [8] are now being enriched by the so-called intuitionistic energy and take account of a characteristic description parameter of an intuitionistic fuzzy set, the so-called hesitancy margin (intuitionistic index).
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy set, Hesitancy margin, Valuation, Informational energy, Energy of a fuzzy set
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  8. J. Mańko, Probability, entropy and energy in bifuzzy sets theory (in Polish), Doct. thesis, University of Łódź, 1992.
  9. J. Mańko, On measuring the fuzziness and the nonfuzziness of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Mathematica Pannonica 4(2), 1993, 205-215.
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