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Issue:Hexagonal Game Method model of forest fire spread with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations

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Title of paper: Hexagonal Game Method model of forest fire spread with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations
Evdokia Sotirova
Prof. Asen Zlatarov University, “Prof. Yakimov” Blvd., Bourgas 8000, Bulgaria
Veselina Bureva
Prof. Asen Zlatarov University, “Prof. Yakimov” Blvd., Bourgas 8000, Bulgaria
Emilia Velizarova
Forest Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 132 “St. Kliment Ohridski” Blvd., Sofia 1756, Bulgaria
Stefka Fidanova
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, “Acad. G. Bonchev” Str., Block 2, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Pencho Marinov
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, “Acad. G. Bonchev” Str., Block 2, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Anthony Shannon
Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia
Krassimir Atanassov
Bioinformatics and Mathematical Modelling Department, IBPhBME - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., block 105, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Presented at: 17th International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 1–2 November 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 19, 2013, Number 3, pages 73—80
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Abstract: The mathematical model for predicting the spread of a fire front in homogeneous forest from [3] is extended with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations for the area of the fire. It is based on the application of the Game Method for Modelling with hexagonal lattice.
Keywords: Game method for modelling, Intuitionistic fuzzy estimation, Modelling.
AMS Classification: 11C20, 03E72
  1. Atanassov, K. Game Method for Modelling, “Prof. M. Drinov” Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2011.
  2. Atanassov, K. On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Theory, Springer, Berlin, 2012
  3. Sotirova, E., E. Velizarova, S. Fidanova, K. Atanassov. Modeling forest fire spread through a Game Method for Modeling based on hexagonal cells, In: Large Scale Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer (accepted).

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