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Issue:Generalized nets modelling and control of modular mobile robotic system

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Title of paper: Generalized nets modelling and control of modular mobile robotic system
Zlatogor Minchev
Centre for Biomedical Engineering -“Prof. Ivan Daskalov”- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, “Acad.G.Bonchev” Str, Bl.105, Sofia, Bulgaria
Presented at: 6th International Workshop on Generalized Nets. Sofia, 17 December 2005
Published in: Conference proceedings, pages 34-42
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Abstract: Modular Robotic Systems (MRSs) are entities, composed of units, that can be reconfigured independently for group (swarm), solving different tasks. These robots have many potential applications in hazardous and unknown environments like exploration of other planets in the universe. Such systems have to be able to deal with dynamic changes in the environment that potentially lead to failures and goal changes. Groups of robots will need to plan, execute, and then re-plan in real-time, while simultaneously being robust enough to avoid robot damage and complete mission failure.

Generalized Nets (GNs), on the other hand, are ascertained at the present paper because they have proved to be very useful and convenient tool for description, modelling and training of different elements from the Artificial Intelligence area, including robotics.

The paper will discuss some possibilities and results for Generalized Nets representation, modelling and control of mobile modular robotic systems.

Keywords: Generalized nets, Modular robots, Modelling, Simulation, Control
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