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Issue:Difference and symmetric difference for intuitionistic fuzzy sets

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Title of paper: Difference and symmetric difference for intuitionistic fuzzy sets
Taiwo Enayon Sunday
Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Hong Kong
Romuald Dzati Kamga
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées-UFRD MIBA, Université de Yaoundé I, B.P. 812 Yaoundé, Cameroun
Siméon Fotso
ENS Yaoundé - Université de Yaoundé I, B.P. 47 Yaoundé, Cameroun
Louis Aimé Fono
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université de Douala, B.P. 24157 Douala, Cameroun
Published in: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume 24 (2018), Number 4, pages 113–140
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Abstract: Fono et al. [10] determined some classes of difference and symmetric difference operations for fuzzy sets using fuzzy implication operators. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets are known to be generalizations of fuzzy sets. So, in this paper, we propose new difference and symmetric difference operations for intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on intuitionistic fuzzy R-implication operators and standard intuitionistic fuzzy negation operator. We establish that some common properties of the difference operations for fuzzy sets established earlier by Fono et al. in [10] and for crisp sets are preserved by the new obtained operations for intuitionistic fuzzy sets. We display a specific property satisfied by difference operation in crisp and fuzzy cases and violated in intuitionistic fuzzy case. The proposed difference and symmetric difference operations for intuitionistic fuzzy sets generalize the case for fuzzy sets. This strength provides a more dynamic perspective into the studies and applications of these operations.
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy set, Difference operation, Symmetric difference operation, Intuitionistic fuzzy R-implication, Intuitionistic fuzzy negation.
AMS Classification: 03F55.
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