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Issue:About the complement in intuitionistic fuzzy sets

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Title of paper: About the complement in intuitionistic fuzzy sets
Humberto Bustince
Depariamento de Automdtica y Computation, Public University of Navarre
Victoria Mohedano
Depariamento de Automdtica y Computation, Public University of Navarre
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 3 (1997) Number 1, pages 12—19
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Abstract: In this paper form the definition of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets we analyze the Complementation in these sets. We start by defining the intuitionistic fuzzy complementation in order to then study the particular cases for which this definition coincides with the fuzzy complementation. Afterwards, we analyse the existence of equilibrium points, dual points and we present characterization theorems of intuitionistic fuzzy complements. Lastly, we study a manner of constructing intuitionistic fuzzy sets and analyse the structure of the complementary of intuitionistic fuzzy sets built.
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy set, Intuitionistic fuzzy complementary, fuzzy negation, intu¬itionistic fuzzy negation.
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