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FUZZ IEEE 2009: IEEE Conference of Fuzzy Sets
20-24 August 2009 — Jeju Island, Korea

The Annual IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, well known as FUZZ-IEEE, is one of the premier international conferences in the field of fuzzy sets and systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2009 (18th in its series) will be held at International Convention Center Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea. The conference will cover the whole range of research and applications in fuzzy systems and soft computing, including but not limited to:

Important dates

1 December 2008
Tutorials / Special Sessions
15 December 2008
Acceptance of Tutorials /
Special Sessions
1 February 2009
Paper Submission
15 March 2009
Notification of Acceptance
1 May 2009
Camera Ready Copy Due
20 August 2009
21-24 August 2009

  • Adaptive, hierarchical, evolutionary, neural and nature-inspired systems
  • Hybrid systems of computational intelligence techniques
  • Fuzzy systems and internet applications
  • Kansei, human-machine interface, brain-machine interface
  • Fuzzy image, speech and signal processing, vision and multimedia
  • Industrial, financial, and medical applications
  • Fuzzy control and robotics, sensors, fuzzy hardware, fuzzy architectures
  • Fuzzy optimization and design, decision analysis and support
  • Fuzzy systems design, modeling, identification, fault detection
  • Fuzzy data analysis - clustering and classifiers, pattern recognition, bio-informatics
  • Fuzzy information processing - information extraction and retrieval, fusion, text mining
  • Knowledge discovery, learning, reasoning, agents, knowledge representation
  • Type II fuzzy sets, computing with words, granular computing, rough sets, fuzzy human computer interaction
  • Fuzzy set theory, fuzzy measures, fuzzy integrals
  • Rough sets, grey systems
  • Optimization, decision analysis, decision making, multi-criteria decision making
  • Software and hardware applications

Download Call for Papers  PDF (1500 Kb)

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets on FUZZ-IEEE'2009

We intend to submit a proposal for a Special Session on "Atanassov's Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Recent Advances" as part of the FUZZ-IEEE2009 International Conference. Therefore, given your expertise in this area and its applications, you are kindly invited to express you interest in participating in this special session, by sending a preliminary title of your work, which will be used for filling in our proposal for the Special Session, at, before December 1st, 2008. Please feel free to propagate this Special Session Proposal among your colleagues, universities, or organizations.

Ioannis Vlachos and George Sergiadis

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Technology
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Telecommunications Division
Signal Processing & Biomedical Technology Unit
University Campus, GR-54124
Thessaloniki, GREECE

Eulalia Szmidt and Janusz Kacprzyk

Polish Academy of Sciences
Systems Research Institute
ul. Newelska 6, 01-447
Warsaw, POLAND


Technical information contact
Prof. Frank Chung-Hoon Rhee

  • School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University , KOREA
  • Phone: +82 31 400 5296
  • Fax: +82 31 501 7502
  • Email:

General information contact
JC International (Conference Secretariat)

  • Address: Twin Tower B-227, 275-4, Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-130 Korea
  • Phone: +82 2 571 2724
  • Fax: +82 2 571 2724
  • Email:
  • Website: