As of August 2024, International Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is being indexed in Scopus.
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Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

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Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets is an international scientific journal, specialized in the theory and application of intuitionistic fuzzy sets and logics as an interdisciplinary field at the cross point between mathematics and engineering sciences.


Having started in 1995, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets is the first and one of the leading scientific journals, exclusively publishing research in this field of science, as defined by the strict journal's scope and Editorial policy. Created in 1983 in Bulgaria by Prof. Krassimir Atanassov, the area of intuitionistic fuzzy sets has gained worldwide popularity and today it is being investigated by many international research groups from universities and research centres in Australia, Belgium, China, Greece, India, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, and other countries.

The journal is one of the four official issues of the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (see It is printed in the Academic Publishing House "Prof. Marin Drinov" under Print ISSN 1310-4926. As of 2016, the journal has Online ISSN 2367-8283 and its contents since 2008 is fully accessible online, and the earlier volumes are in process of digitisation and upload.

Since 1997, the Journal has been hosting the proceedings of the International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, organized on annual basis in Sofia or Burgas, Bulgaria. Since 2005, it has also included the proceedings of the International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, annually conducted in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.

Review process

All papers and conference reports in Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets pass through a rigorous process of review before being accepted for publication. The editorial boards of the journal is international with representatives from Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, United Kingdom, USA, who are renowned specialists in the area of fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy sets and logics. At least three positive blind peer reviews are required by three independent reviewers.


The journal is indexed at the follwoing databases: Index Copernicus (in 2012, for 2015 under evaluation), ROAD – Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (since 2015), WorldCat / OCLC (since 2016) and Zentralblatt MATH (since 1995) and it has applied for indexing in several other databases, including SCOPUS.


Scientific research published in the Journal has constantly increased its outreach to the international research community working in the area of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. According to data from SCOPUS (Oct 2016), more than 3400 publications, indexed in the SCOPUS database, have cited papers from Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, as of the beginning of the Journal's publication in 1995.

Year NIFS Articles SCOPUS indexed articles citing NIFS articles
2016 34 205
2015 60 262
2014 53 282
2013 40 234
2012 33 217
2011 30 225
2010 25 216
2009 26 170
2008 31 170
2007 33 157
2006 28 159
2005 37 167
2004 23 160
2003 23 143
2002 27 127
2001 24 104
2000 17 112
1999 20 79
1998 24 63
1998 24 63
1997 27 70
1996 13 76
1995 28 22