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Issue:Generalized net model of the Elman neural network

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Title of paper: Generalized net model of the Elman neural network
Sotir Sotirov
“Prof. Asen Zlatarov” University, Bourgas 8010, Bulgaria
Elia El-Darzi
University of Westminster, Health Care Computing Group, HSCS, Northwick Park, London HA1 3TP, United Kingdom
Presented at: 11th IWGN, Sofia, 5 December 2010
Published in: Conference proceedings, pages 21—26
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Abstract: The proposed GN model present work on of the recurrent neural networks. Here we discus Elman neural network. Instead of other types neural network now we are describing the process during the time. In a series of paper we describe many different neural networks. This paper describes a different part from the neural networks – this is a network with feed back into the hidden layer.
Keywords: Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Elman Neural Network, Generalized Nets.
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