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Issue:Intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets

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Title of paper: Intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets
S. P. Jena
Department of Mathematics, Khallikote Autonomous College, Berhampur — 760 001, India
S.K. Ghosh
Department of Mathematics, Khallikote Autonomous College, Berhampur — 760 001, India
B. K. Tripathy
Department of Computer Science, Berhampur University, Berhampur — 760 007, India
Published in: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Volume 8 (2002), Number 1, pages 1-18
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Abstract: The concept of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Sets (IFRS) is introduced. Some operations involving IFRS are introduced and their properties are studied.
Keywords: Fuzzy set, Fuzzy rough set, Intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets
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  4. S.P. Jena, 8.K. Ghosh and B.K. Tripathy. Modal operation on Fuzzy Rough Sets, communicated Int. J. Uncert. Fuz. and Know. based Systems (JJUFKS)
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