Please check our Instructions to Authors and send your manuscripts to Next issue: September/October 2024.
Deadline for submissions: 16 November 2024.
Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets/Policy
Manuscripts are addressed to one of the Editors-in-Chief who review them in consultation with a member of the Editorial board in order to decide whether the paper will be further considered for publication in the "Notes". Manuscripts are then either returned to the corresponding author or subjected to peer review by an independent referee. In the event of initial rejection, manuscripts may be sent to two other referees.
Papers are considered for publication only in case that they contain substantially new material, which has never been published, nor concurrently submitted elsewhere. In case of publication, the authors receive a free copy of the journal.
Authors are encouraged to send their papers in LaTeX or MS Word, with respect to the following layout design requirements:
- Font: Times New Roman
- Title: 21 pt, bold, Sentence case, centered
- Authors list: 14 pt, bold, centered
- Authors' addresses, e-mail, URL (optional): 12 pt, normal, centered
- Abstract: 12 pt, bold, justified
- Abstract body: 12 pt, normal, justified
- Keywords: 12 pt, bold, justified
- Keywords body: 12 pt, normal, justified
- AMS Classification: 12 pt, bold, justified
- AMS Classification codes: 12 pt, normal, justified
- Body: 12 pt, no page numeration
- Section titles: Sentence case, 16 pt, bold, left
- References: 12 pt, normal, enumerated
- Margins: top 2.25 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.4 cm, right 2.4 cm