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Issue:The process of modeling economic problems presented as a generalized net with intuitionistic fuzzy logic elements

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Title of paper: The process of modeling economic problems presented as a generalized net with intuitionistic fuzzy logic elements
Diana Boyadzhieva
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
Presented at: 9th IWGN, Sofia, 4 July 2008
Published in: Conference proceedings, pages 106—112
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Abstract: The paper presents a variation of the metamodel of a general process of modeling an economic problem by application of specific mathematical model over some appropriate data set presented in [1]. The new model is also described using the apparatus of Generalized Nets (GNs) [2] but is expanded with the inclusion of intuitionistic fuzzy logic [3]. The fuzziness could be introduced in several components of the GN but the GN itself is not an intuitionistic one, in the sense of [4].
Keywords: Generalized nets, Economic processes, Intuitionistic fuzzy logic
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