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  | size            = 171
  | size            = 171
  | abstract        = A new concept to the optimization problem in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment is introduced. A general model, of linear programming problems in which both the right hand side constants and the technological coefficients are intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, has been presented. An attempt has been made to find a general linear non-membership function and intuitionistic fuzzy index together with the membership function of the objective function and constraints in the solution of the given Intuitionistic Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem (IFLPP). Stepwise algorithm is given for solving an IFLPP and it is checked with a numerical example using intuitionistic fuzzy decisive set method.  
  | abstract        = A new concept to the optimization problem in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment is introduced. A general model, of linear programming problems in which both the right hand side constants and the technological coefficients are intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, has been presented. An attempt has been made to find a general linear non-membership function and intuitionistic fuzzy index together with the membership function of the objective function and constraints in the solution of the given Intuitionistic Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem (IFLPP). Stepwise algorithm is given for solving an IFLPP and it is checked with a numerical example using intuitionistic fuzzy decisive set method.  
  | keywords        = Intuitionistic fuzzy set, Intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem, Intuitionistic fuzzy optimization, Membership and non-membership functions, Intuitionistic index, Intuitionistic
  | keywords        = Intuitionistic fuzzy set, Intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem, Intuitionistic fuzzy optimization, Membership and non-membership functions, Intuitionistic index, Intuitionistic fuzzy decisive set method
fuzzy decisive set method
  | ams            = 03E72.
  | ams            = 03E72.
  | references      =  
  | references      =  

Revision as of 14:46, 21 July 2012

Title of paper: Intuitionistic fuzzy linear optimization
Rangasamy Parvathi
Department of Mathematics, Vellalar College for Women, Erode–638 012, Tamilnadu, India
C. Malathi
Department of Mathematics, Gobi Arts and Science College, Gobi–638 456, Tamilnadu, India
Published in: "Notes on IFS", Volume 18 (2012) Number 1, pages 48—56
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Abstract: A new concept to the optimization problem in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment is introduced. A general model, of linear programming problems in which both the right hand side constants and the technological coefficients are intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, has been presented. An attempt has been made to find a general linear non-membership function and intuitionistic fuzzy index together with the membership function of the objective function and constraints in the solution of the given Intuitionistic Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem (IFLPP). Stepwise algorithm is given for solving an IFLPP and it is checked with a numerical example using intuitionistic fuzzy decisive set method.
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy set, Intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem, Intuitionistic fuzzy optimization, Membership and non-membership functions, Intuitionistic index, Intuitionistic fuzzy decisive set method
AMS Classification: 03E72.
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