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  | title          = Towards a model of digital university: a generalized net model of update existing timetable
  | title          = Towards a model of digital university: a generalized net model of update existing timetable
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Latest revision as of 20:53, 3 June 2009

Title of paper: Towards a model of digital university: a generalized net model of update existing timetable
H. Stoichev
Free University of Bourgas, Bourgas-8000, Bulgaria
Daniela Orozova
Free University of Bourgas, Bourgas-8000, Bulgaria
CLBME - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 105, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria
Presented at: 9th IWGN, Sofia, 4 July 2008
Published in: Conference proceedings, pages 80—83
Download:  PDF (146  Kb, File info)
Abstract: In this paper is presented system for activity of a travel agency. Following a Generalized Net modelling the real process of communication in the system is created. This net gives us the opportunity to use the implementation of various analyses and statistics in order to generate ideas for enhancing this system.
Keywords: Generalized nets, Modelling, Travel agency.
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  3. K. Atanassov, G. Pasi and R. Yager. Intuitionistic fuzzy interpretations of multi-person multi-criteria decision making. Proceedings of 2002 First International Symposium Intelligent Systems, Vol. 1, 115-119.
  4. Atanassov, K., G. Pasi and R. Yager. Intuitionistic fuzzy interpretations of multi-criteria multi-person and multi-measurement tool decision making. International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 36, 2005, No. 14, 859-868.

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