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Issue:Similarity and dissimilarity of whole genomes using intuitionistic fuzzy logic

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Title of paper: Similarity and dissimilarity of whole genomes using intuitionistic fuzzy logic
Subhram Das
Computer Science & Engineering Department, Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata 700109, India
Debanjan De
Quality Control Officer, Pest Control India, Kolkata, India
D. K. Bhattacharya
Emeritus Professor, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, India
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 21, 2015, Number 3, pages 48—53
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Abstract: Whole genomes in general and poly-nucleotides, in particular, have an interesting representation in twelve dimensional hypercube I12 based on fuzzy set theory, but it has some limitations and drawbacks. With a view to removing such drawbacks of the representation, the present paper derives some new representation of whole genomes and poly-nucleotides based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy set theory and shows that that such a representation is free from any such limitation as mentioned above. Finally it applies the new representation in testing similarity/ dissimilarities of whole genomes and polynucleotides
Keywords: Intuitionistic Fuzzy set, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Polynucleotide space, Similarity/Dissimilarities of whole genomes and poly-nucleotides, Metric
AMS Classification: 03E72.
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