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Issue:A new geometrical interpretation of some concepts in the intuitionistic fuzzy logic

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Title of paper: A new geometrical interpretation of some concepts in the intuitionistic fuzzy logic
Anestis Hatzimichailidis
Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, GR-671 00 Xanthi, Greece
Basil Papadopoulos
Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, GR-671 00 Xanthi, Greece
Presented at: 9th ICIFS, Sofia, 7—8 May 2005
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 11 (2005) Number 2, pages 38—46
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Abstract: We provide a new geometrical interpretation of some concepts in the intuitionistic fuzzy sets (briefly IFSs). Using the new geometrical interpretation, we can give the corresponding geometrical interpretations of some operations and operators over the elements of the IFSs. With the new geometrical interpretation we can have an abstract picture of operations and relations over IFSs. This can be observed in an arbitrary triangle without the restrictions of other geometrical interpretations, which are known to work in a unit rectangle, in an isosceles triangle, and in an equilateral triangle.
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Intuitionistic fuzzy logic, Geometrical interpretations of intuitionistic fuzzy sets
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