Submit your research to the International Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets". Contact us at

Call for Papers for the 27th International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets is now open!
Conference: 5–6 July 2024, Burgas, Bulgaria • EXTENDED DEADLINE for submissions: 15 APRIL 2024.


From Ifigenia, the wiki for intuitionistic fuzzy sets and generalized nets
Revision as of 16:07, 30 September 2009 by Vassia Atanassova (talk | contribs) (fields new)
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return array(

// Company fields 'field Companies name' => 'Name', 'field Companies address' => 'Address', 'field Companies address2' => 'Address 2', 'field Companies city' => 'City', 'field Companies state' => 'State', 'field Companies zipcode' => 'Zipcode', 'field Companies country' => 'Country', 'field Companies phone_number' => 'Phone', 'field Companies fax_number' => 'Fax', 'field Companies email' => 'Email address', 'field Companies homepage' => 'Homepage', 'field Companies notes' => 'Notes', 'field Companies homepage' => 'Homepage', 'field Companies created_on' => 'Created on', 'field Companies updated_on' => 'Updated on', 'field Companies created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field Companies updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',

// Contact fields 'field Contacts company_id' => 'Company', 'field Contacts firstname' => 'First name', 'field Contacts lastname' => 'Last name', 'field Contacts email' => 'Email address', 'field Contacts w_web_page' => 'Work website', 'field Contacts w_address' => 'Work address', 'field Contacts w_city' => 'Work city', 'field Contacts w_state' => 'Work state', 'field Contacts w_zipcode' => 'Work zipcode', 'field Contacts w_country' => 'Work country', 'field Contacts w_phone_number' => 'Work phone', 'field Contacts w_phone_number2' => 'Work phone 2', 'field Contacts w_fax_number' => 'Work fax', 'field Contacts w_assistant_number' => 'Work assistant', 'field Contacts w_callback_number' => 'Work callback',

'field Contacts h_web_page' => 'Home website', 'field Contacts h_address' => 'Home address', 'field Contacts h_city' => 'Home city', 'field Contacts h_state' => 'Home state', 'field Contacts h_zipcode' => 'Home zipcode', 'field Contacts h_country' => 'Home country', 'field Contacts h_phone_number' => 'Home phone', 'field Contacts h_phone_number2' => 'Home phone 2', 'field Contacts h_fax_number' => 'Home fax', 'field Contacts h_mobile_number' => 'Home mobile', 'field Contacts h_pager_number' => 'Home pager',

'field Contacts o_web_page' => 'Other website', 'field Contacts o_address' => 'Other address', 'field Contacts o_city' => 'Other city', 'field Contacts o_state' => 'Other state', 'field Contacts o_zipcode' => 'Other zipcode', 'field Contacts o_country' => 'Other country', 'field Contacts o_phone_number' => 'Other phone', 'field Contacts o_phone_number2' => 'Other phone 2', 'field Contacts o_fax_number' => 'Other fax', 'field Contacts o_birthday' => 'Birthday', 'field Contacts email2' => 'Email address 2', 'field Contacts email3' => 'Email address 3', 'field Contacts job_title' => 'Job title', 'field Contacts department' => 'Department', 'field Contacts middlename' => 'Middle name', 'field Contacts notes' => 'Notes', 'field Contacts created_on' => 'Created on', 'field Contacts updated_on' => 'Updated on', 'field Contacts created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field Contacts updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',

// Email fields

   'field MailContents from' => 'From',
   'field MailContents from_name' => 'From name',
   'field MailContents to'  => 'To',
   'field MailContents date' => 'Date',
   'field MailContents sent_date' => 'Sent date',
   'field MailContents subject' => 'Subject',
   'field MailContents content' => 'Content',
   'field MailContents body_plain' => 'Body plain',
   'field MailContents body_html' => 'Body HTML',
   'field MailContents has_attachments' => 'Has attachments', 
   'field MailContents size' => 'Size', 
   'field MailContents state' => 'State', 
   'field MailContents is_deleted' => 'Is deleted', 
   'field MailContents is_shared' => 'Is shared',

'field MailContents imap_folder_name' => 'IMAP Folder name', 'field MailContents account_email' => 'Account email', 'field MailContents created_on' => 'Created on', 'field MailContents created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field MailContents updated_by_id' => 'Updated by', 'field MailContents cc' => 'CC', 'field MailContents bcc' => 'BCC',

// Event fields

   'field ProjectEvents duration' => 'Duration',
   'field ProjectEvents start' => 'Start',
   'field ProjectEvents subject' => 'Subject',
   'field ProjectEvents repeat_forever'=> 'Repeat forever',
   'field ProjectEvents description' => 'Description',
   'field ProjectEvents private' => 'Private',
   'field ProjectEvents repeat_end' => 'Repeat end',
   'field ProjectEvents repeat_num' => 'Repeat number',
   'field ProjectEvents repeat_d' => 'Repeat day',
   'field ProjectEvents repeat_m' => 'Repeat month',
   'field ProjectEvents repeat_y' => 'Repeat year',
   'field ProjectEvents repeat_h' => 'Repeat hour',

'field ProjectEvents created_on' => 'Created on', 'field ProjectEvents updated_on' => 'Updated on', 'field ProjectEvents created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field ProjectEvents updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',

// File fields 'field ProjectFiles filename' => 'Filename',

   'field ProjectFiles description' => 'Description', 
   'field ProjectFiles is_important' => 'Is important', 
   'field ProjectFiles is_locked' => 'Is locked', 
   'field ProjectFiles is_visible' => 'Is visible', 
   'field ProjectFiles expiration_time' => 'Expiration time', 
   'field ProjectFiles comments_enabled' => 'Comments enabled', 
   'field ProjectFiles anonymous_comments_enabled' => 'Anonymous comments enabled', 

'field ProjectFiles url' => 'Url', 'field ProjectFiles created_on' => 'Created on', 'field ProjectFiles updated_on' => 'Updated on', 'field ProjectFiles checked_out_on' => 'Checked out on', 'field ProjectFiles created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field ProjectFiles updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',

// Milestone fields

   'field ProjectMilestones name' => 'Name',
   'field ProjectMilestones description' => 'Description',
   'field ProjectMilestones due_date' => 'Due date',
   'field ProjectMilestones completed_on' => 'Completed on',

'field ProjectMilestones is_template' => 'Is template', 'field ProjectMilestones created_on' => 'Created on', 'field ProjectMilestones updated_on' => 'Updated on', 'field ProjectMilestones created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field ProjectMilestones updated_by_id' => 'Updated by', 'field ProjectMilestones assigned_to_company_id' => 'Assigned to company', 'field ProjectMilestones assigned_to_user_id' => 'Assigned to user',

// Message fields 'field ProjectMessages title' => 'Title',

   'field ProjectMessages text' => 'Text', 
   'field ProjectMessages additional_text' => 'Additional text', 
   'field ProjectMessages is_important' => 'Is important', 
   'field ProjectMessages comments_enabled' => 'Comments enabled', 
   'field ProjectMessages anonymous_comments_enabled' => 'Anonymous comments enabled', 

'field ProjectMessages created_on' => 'Created on', 'field ProjectMessages updated_on' => 'Updated on', 'field ProjectMessages created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field ProjectMessages updated_by_id' => 'Updated by', 'field ProjectMessages milestone_id' => 'Milestone',

// Task fields 'field ProjectTasks text' => 'Text', 'field ProjectTasks completed_on' => 'Completed on', 'field ProjectTasks due_date' => 'Due date', 'field ProjectTasks start_date' => 'Start date', 'field ProjectTasks created_on' => 'Created on', 'field ProjectTasks updated_on' => 'Updated on', 'field ProjectTasks order' => 'Order', 'field ProjectTasks title' => 'Title', 'field ProjectTasks started_on' => 'Started on', 'field ProjectTasks priority' => 'Priority',

   'field ProjectTasks assigned_on' => 'Assigned on',

'field ProjectTasks time_estimate' => 'Time estimate', 'field ProjectTasks is_template' => 'Is template', 'field ProjectTasks created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field ProjectTasks updated_by_id' => 'Updated by', 'field ProjectTasks milestone_id' => 'Milestone', 'field ProjectTasks assigned_to_company_id' => 'Assigned to company', 'field ProjectTasks assigned_to_user_id' => 'Assigned to user', 'field ProjectTasks completed_by_id' => 'Completed by', 'field ProjectTasks repeat_by' => 'Repeat by', 'field ProjectTasks repeat_end' => 'Repeat end',

   'field ProjectTasks repeat_num' => 'Repeat number',

'field ProjectTasks repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',

   'field ProjectTasks repeat_d' => 'Repeat day',
   'field ProjectTasks repeat_m' => 'Repeat month',
   'field ProjectTasks repeat_y' => 'Repeat year',

// User fields

   'field Users username' => 'Username', 
   'field Users email' => 'Email', 
   'field Users display_name' => 'Display name', 
   'field Users title' => 'Title', 
   'field Users created_on' => 'Created on', 
   'field Users updated_on' => 'Updated on', 
   'field Users last_login' => 'Last login', 
   'field Users last_visit' => 'Last visit', 
   'field Users last_activity' => 'Last activity', 
   'field Users can_edit_company_data' => 'Can edit company data',
   'field Users can_manage_workspaces'=> 'Can manage workspaces',
   'field Users can_manage_security' => 'Can manage security',
   'field Users can_manage_configuration' => 'Can manage configuration', 
   'field Users auto_assign' => 'Auto assign', 
   'field Users can_manage_contacts' => 'Can manage all contacts',
   'field Users can_manage_templates' => 'Can manage templates',

'field Users can_manage_reports'=> 'Can manage reports', 'field Users created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field Users updated_by_id' => 'Updated by', 'field Users company_id' => 'Company',

// Webpage fields

   'field ProjectWebpages url' => 'Url', 
   'field ProjectWebpages title' => 'Title', 
   'field ProjectWebpages description' => 'Description', 
   'field ProjectWebpages created_on' => 'Created on',
   'field ProjectWebpages updated_on' => 'Updated on',

'field ProjectWebpages created_by_id' => 'Created by', 'field ProjectWebpages updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',

// Project fields 'field Projects name' => 'Name',

   'field Projects description' => 'Description', 
   'field Projects show_description_in_overview' => 'Show description in overview', 
   'field Projects completed_on' => 'Completed on', 
   'field Projects created_on' => 'Created on', 
   'field Projects updated_on' => 'Updated on',

'field Projects created_by_id' => 'Created by',

   'field Projects updated_by_id' => 'Updated by',

'field Projects completed_by_id' => 'Completed by' );
