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Issue:A method for graphical representation of membership functions for intuitionistic fuzzy inference systems

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Title of paper: A method for graphical representation of membership functions for intuitionistic fuzzy inference systems
Oscar Castillo
Tijuana Institute of Technology,, Tijuana BC México
Amaury Hernandez-Aguila
Tijuana Institute of Technology,, Tijuana BC México
Mario Garcia-Valdez
Tijuana Institute of Technology,, Tijuana BC México
Presented at: 21st International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 22–23 May 2017, Burgas, Bulgaria
Published in: "Notes on IFS", Volume 23, 2017, Number 2, pages 79—87
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Abstract: This work proposes an approach for graphically representing intuitionistic fuzzy sets for their use in Mamdani fuzzy inference systems. The proposed approach is used, and plots for several membership and non-membership functions are presented, including: triangular, Gaussian, trapezoidal, generalized bell, sigmoidal, and left-right functions. Plots of some operators used in fuzzy logic are also presented, i.e., union, intersection, implication and alphacut operators. The proposed approach should produce plots that are clear to understand in the design of an intuitionistic fuzzy inference system, as the membership and non-membership functions are clearly separated and can be plotted in the same figure and still be recognized with ease.
Keywords: Fuzzy inference systems, Intuitionistic fuzzy logic, Membership function.
AMS Classification: 03E72
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