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Issue:On almost fuzzy strong precompactness in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces

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Title of paper: On almost fuzzy strong precompactness in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces
A. Haydar Eş
Department of Mathematics Education, Başkent University, Bağlıca, 06490 Ankara, Turkey

Published in: "Notes on IFS", Volume 21, 2015, Number 1, pages 54—61
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Abstract: The concept of almost fuzzy strong precompactnesss, near fuzzy strong precompactness, countable fuzzy strong precompactness and light fuzzy strong precompactness in Çoker’s space have been introduced and studied. Also we investigate the behavior of fuzzy strong precompactness under several types of fuzzy continuous functions.
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy topology, Intuitionistic fuzzy strong precompactnesss, Intuitionistic almost fuzzy strong precompactnesss, Intuitionistic near fuzzy strong precompactness, Intuitionistic countable fuzzy strong precompactness, Intuitionistic light fuzzy strong precompactness.
AMS Classification: 54A40, 03E72.
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