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Issue:Decomposition theorems of an intuitionistic fuzzy set

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Title of paper: Decomposition theorems of an intuitionistic fuzzy set
Shiny Jose
St. George’s College Aruvithura, Kerala, India
Sunny Kuriakose
Principal, BPC College, Piravom, Kerala, India
Published in: "Notes on IFS", Volume 18 (2012) Number 2, pages 31—36
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Abstract: The (α, β) cut of an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set (IFS) was studied by P. K. Sharma [4]. In this paper we introduce a new type of cut - strong (α, β) cut - of IFS and study their properties. Also three decomposition theorems are discussed..
Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy set, (α, β) cut, strong (α, β) cut.
AMS Classification: 03E72.
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  4. Sharma, P. K., (α, β) cut for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Groups, International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 6(53), 2011, 2605–2614.
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