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Issue:Generalized net model of а self-developing expert system

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Title of paper: Generalized net model of а self-developing expert system
Krassimir Atanassov
CLBME – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bl. 105, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria
Boyan Kolev
CLBME – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bl. 105, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria
Panagiotis Chountas
Mechatronics Group, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Westminster, London, HA1 3TP, UK
Evdokia Sotirova
"Prof. Asen Zlatarov" University, Bourgas 8000, Bulgaria
Presented at: 10th ICIFS, Sofia, 28—29 Oct. 2006
Published in: Conference proceedings, "Notes on IFS", Volume 12 (2006) Number 3, pages 35—40
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Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy generalized nets, Expert systems
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