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Issue:Intuitionistic fuzzy strongly preirresolute continuous mappings

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Title of paper: Intuitionistic fuzzy strongly preirresolute continuous mappings
Salah Abbas
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Sohag, Egypt
Biljana Krsteska
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Skopje, Macedonia
Published in: "Notes on IFS", Volume 13 (2007) Number 1, pages 1—19
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Abstract: We introduce (r, s)-intuitionistic fuzzy strongly preopen and (r,s)-intuitionistic fuzzy strongly preclosed sets in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces in Šostak sense. We investigate some properties of them. IF strong preirresolute, IF strongly preirresolute open and IF strongly preirresolute closed mappings between intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces are defined. Their properties and the relationships between these mappings are investigated.
Keywords: (r,s)-intuitionistic fuzzy strongly preopen, (r,s)-intuitionistic fuzzy

strongly preclosed, IF strong precontinuity, IF strongly preirresolute continuous mapping

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