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From Ifigenia, the wiki for intuitionistic fuzzy sets and generalized nets
Revision as of 01:12, 8 October 2008 by Ifigenia Administrator (talk | contribs) (New page: /** Attach (or remove) an Event to a specific object ********** * Cross-browser event attachment (John Resig) * * ...)
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/** Attach (or remove) an Event to a specific object **********
 * Cross-browser event attachment (John Resig)
 * obj  : DOM tree object to attach the event to
 * type : String, event type ("click", "mouseover", "submit", etc.)
 * fn   : Function to be called when the event is triggered (the ''this''
 *        keyword points to ''obj'' inside ''fn'' when the event is triggered)
 * Local Maintainer: [[meta:User:Dschwen]]

function addEvent( obj, type, fn )
 if (obj.addEventListener)
  obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false );
 else if (obj.attachEvent)
  obj["e"+type+fn] = fn;
  obj[type+fn] = function() { obj["e"+type+fn]( window.event ); }
  obj.attachEvent( "on"+type, obj[type+fn] );

function removeEvent( obj, type, fn )
 if (obj.removeEventListener)
  obj.removeEventListener( type, fn, false );
 else if (obj.detachEvent)
  obj.detachEvent( "on"+type, obj[type+fn] );
  obj[type+fn] = null;
  obj["e"+type+fn] = null;

/** JSconfig ************
 * (copied from [[meta:MediaWiki:Common.js]])
 * Global configuration options to enable/disable and configure
 * specific script features from [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] and
 * [[MediaWiki:Monobook.js]]
 * This framework adds config options (saved as cookies) to [[Special:Preferences]]
 * For a more permanent change you can override the default settings in your 
 * [[Special:Mypage/monobook.js]]
 * for Example: JSconfig.keys[loadAutoInformationTemplate] = false;
 *  Maintainer: [[meta:User:Dschwen]]
var JSconfig =
 prefix : 'jsconfig_',
 keys : {},
 meta : {},
 // Register a new configuration item
 //  * name          : String, internal name
 //  * default_value : String or Boolean (type determines configuration widget)
 //  * description   : String, text appearing next to the widget in the preferences
 //  * prefpage      : Integer (optional), section in the preferences to insert the widget:
 //                     0 : User profile
 //                     1 : Skin
 //                     2 : Math
 //                     3 : Files
 //                     4 : Date and time
 //                     5 : Editing
 //                     6 : Recent changes
 //                     7 : Watchlist
 //                     8 : Search
 //                     9 : Misc
 // Access keys through JSconfig.keys[name]
 registerKey : function( name, default_value, description, prefpage )
  if( typeof(JSconfig.keys[name]) == 'undefined' ) 
   JSconfig.keys[name] = default_value;
  else {
   // all cookies are read as strings, 
   // convert to the type of the default value
   switch( typeof(default_value) )
    case 'boolean' : JSconfig.keys[name] = ( JSconfig.keys[name] == 'true' ); break;
    case 'number'  : JSconfig.keys[name] = JSconfig.keys[name]/1; break;
  JSconfig.meta[name] = { 'description' : description, 'page' : prefpage || 0, 'default_value' : default_value };
 readCookies : function()
  var cookies = document.cookie.split("; ");
  var p =JSconfig.prefix.length;
  var i;
  for( var key in cookies )
   if( cookies[key].substring(0,p) == JSconfig.prefix )
    i = cookies[key].indexOf('=');
    //alert( cookies[key] + ',' + key + ',' + cookies[key].substring(p,i) );
    JSconfig.keys[cookies[key].substring(p,i)] = cookies[key].substring(i+1);
 writeCookies : function()
  for( var key in JSconfig.keys )
   document.cookie = JSconfig.prefix + key + '=' + JSconfig.keys[key] + '; path=/; expires=Thu, 2 Aug 2009 10:10:10 UTC';
 evaluateForm : function()
  var w_ctrl,wt;
  //alert('about to save JSconfig');
  for( var key in JSconfig.meta ) {
   w_ctrl = document.getElementById( JSconfig.prefix + key )
   if( w_ctrl ) 
    wt = typeof( JSconfig.meta[key].default_value );
    switch( wt ) {
     case 'boolean' : JSconfig.keys[key] = w_ctrl.checked; break;
     case 'string' : JSconfig.keys[key] = w_ctrl.value; break;
  return true;
 setUpForm : function()
  var prefChild = document.getElementById('preferences');
  if( !prefChild ) return;
  prefChild = prefChild.childNodes;
  // make a list of all preferences sections
  var tabs = new Array;
  var len = prefChild.length;
  for( var key = 0; key < len; key++ ) {
   if( prefChild[key].tagName &&
       prefChild[key].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'fieldset' ) 
  // Create Widgets for all registered config keys
  var w_div, w_label, w_ctrl, wt;
  for( var key in JSconfig.meta ) {
   w_div = document.createElement( 'DIV' );
   w_label = document.createElement( 'LABEL' );
   w_label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( JSconfig.meta[key].description ) )
   w_label.htmlFor = JSconfig.prefix + key;
   wt = typeof( JSconfig.meta[key].default_value );
   w_ctrl = document.createElement( 'INPUT' ); = JSconfig.prefix + key;
   // before insertion into the DOM tree
   switch( wt ) {
    case 'boolean' : w_ctrl.type = 'checkbox'; break;
    case 'string'  : w_ctrl.type = 'text'; break;
   w_div.appendChild( w_label );
   w_div.appendChild( w_ctrl );
   tabs[JSconfig.meta[key].page].appendChild( w_div );
   // after insertion into the DOM tree
   switch( wt ) {
    case 'boolean' : w_ctrl.defaultChecked = w_ctrl.checked = JSconfig.keys[key]; break;
    case 'string' : w_ctrl.defaultValue = w_ctrl.value = JSconfig.keys[key]; break;
  addEvent(document.getElementById('preferences').parentNode, 'submit', JSconfig.evaluateForm );