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Issue:A framework for a prototype of an intuitionistic fuzzy expert system

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Title of paper: The process of modeling economic problems presented as a generalized net with intuitionistic fuzzy logic elements
Diana Boyadzhieva
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Presented at: 13th ICIFS, Sofia, 9-10 May 2009
Published in: "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets", Volume 15 (2009) Number 2, pages 1—9
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Abstract: Today only a relatively simple or intentionally simplified real-world system could be modeled and precisely analyzed by application of the conventional mathematical and analytical methods. Most complex systems include the uncertainty as a characteristic of a variety of their parameters or attributes. To analyze such inherent ambiguity it is most natural to incorporate fuzzy or intuitionistic fuzzy logic (IFL) into the model. Due to the ability of IFL to handle the uncertainty, we suggest in this paper a framework for development of a prototype of an intuitionistic fuzzy expert system (IFES) that has to be able to capture, model and manage fuzzy data or the uncertainty of human or system behavior. As the contemporary systems usually have to deal with a great amount of data, the suggested framework does not rely on experts who will determine the IF degrees for each individual input object, but recommend that an IFES prototype should have automatic determination of the membership and non-membership degrees.
Keywords: Expert systems, Intuitionistic fuzzy analyses, Membership functions, Intuitionistic fuzzy inference, Intuitionistic fuzzy databases.
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