Title of paper:
On the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy set and its development throughout the last fifteen years
Presented at:
2nd ICIFS, Sofia, 3—4 Oct. 1998
Published in:
"Notes on IFS", Volume 4 (1998) Number 2, pages 3—17
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With the present brief review of the research on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (IFSs) the author would like to describe the basic steps of the development of the concept IFS in a historical aspect and to cite the results of all specialists he knows worldwide who believed in the IFS and started to work in the area.
- Angelov P., Application of intuitionistic fuzzy sets to optimization problems, Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Mathematical Methods in Economics, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Sept. 1995, 1-8.
- Angelov P., Asparoukhov O., Atanassov K., Burillo P., Hustince B., Hadjitodorov S., Kacprzyk J., Kim S.-K., Kuncheva L., Shannon A., Tetev M., Vandev D., Decision making methods based on elements of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1995, 40-41.
- Angelov P., Crispification: defuzzyfication of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, BUSEFAL, Vol. 64, 1995, 51-55.
- Angelov P., Intuitionistic fuzzy optimization, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1 (1995), No. 2, 123-129.
- Angelov P., Optimization in an intuitionistic fuzzy environment, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 86, 1997, 299-306.
- Antonov I., On a new geometrical interpretation of the intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1995, 29-31.
- Asparoukhov O., Intuitionistic fuzzy interpretation of twolevel classifiers, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1995, 61-65.
- Asparoukhov O., Atanassov K., Intuitionistic fuzzy interpretation of confidencial intervals of criteria for decision making, Proc. of the First Workshop on Fuzzy Based Expert Systems (D. Lakov, Ed.), Sofia, Sept. 28-30, 1994, 56-58.
- Asparoukhov O., Atanassov K., Magaev B., Application of intuitionistic fuzzy graphs and intuitionistic fuzzy relation methods for ordering expert estimation criteria, Proceedings of the VI IFSA World Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 1995, Vol. 1, 535-537.
- Asparoukhov O., Danchev S., Intuitionistic fuzzy formulation of risk assessment by mathematical programming - based classification, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1 (1995), No. 2, 132-136.
- Atanassov K. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, VII ITKR's Session, Sofia, June 1983 (Deposed in Central Sci. - Techn. Library of Bulg. Acad, of Sci., 1697/84) (in Bulg.).
- Atanassov K. Intuitionistic fuzzy relations. Third Int. Symp. "Automation and Sci. Instrumentation", Varna, Oct. 1984, Proc. part II, 56-57.
- Atanassov K. Generalized nets and their fuzzings, AMSE Review Vol. 2 (1985), No. 3, 39-49.
- Atanassov K. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy sets and Systems, Vol. 20 (1986), No. 1, 87-96.
- Atanassov K. Identified operator on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Fifth City Conf. "Electronics & Cybernetics", Sofia, June 1987, Proc. 329-332.
- Atanassov K. An example for there existing of intuitionistic L -fuzzy set, which is not L -fuzzy set. Proc. of Sci. Session of V.N.V.U., V. Tarnova, June 1987, Vol. 9, 156-158.
- Atanassov K. Review and new results on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Preprint IM-MFAIS-1-88, Sofia, 1988.
- Atanassov K. Two operators on intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 41, 1988, No. 5, 35-38.
- Atanassov K. Two variants of intuitionistic fuzzy propositional calculus. Preprint IM-MFAIS-5-88, Sofia, 1988.
- Atanassov K. Geometrical interpretations of the elements of the intuitionistic fuzzy objects, Preprint IM-MFAIS-1-89, Sofia, 1989.
- Atanassov K. Four new operators on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Preprint IM-MFAIS-4-89, Sofia, 1989.
- Atanassov K. One variant of the intuitionistic fuzzy relations, First Sci. Session of the "Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence" Seminar, Sofia, October 10, 1989, Preprint IM-MFAIS-7-89, 1-3.
- Atanassov K. Two variants of intuitionistic fuzzy modal logic. Preprint IM-MFAIS-3-89, Sofia, 1989.
- Atanassov K., On intuitionistic fuzzy sets and their applications in: "Actual Problems of Sciences", Sofia, Bulg. Acad, of Sci., 1989, Vol. 1, pp. 53 (in Bulgarian).
- Atanassov, K. More on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Fuzzy sets and systems, 33, 1989, No. 1, 37-46.
- Atanassov K. Remark on a temporal intuitionistic fuzzy logic, Second Sci. Session of the "Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence" Seminar, Sofia, March 30, 1990, Prepr. IM-MFAIS-1-90, 1-5.
- Atanassov K. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets over different universes Second Sci. Session of the "Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence" Seminar, Sofia, March 30 1990, Prepr. IM-MFAIS-1-90, 6- 9.
- Atanassov K. On intuitionistic fuzzy sets research in institute for Microsystems and some open problems in the intuitionistic fuzzy set theory. Ninetieth Session of the Nat. Seminar of Informatics of the Union of Bulg. Mathematicians and Fourth Scientific Session of the "Mathematical Foundation Artificial Intelligence" Seminar, Sofia, Nov. 5, 1990, Preprint IM-MFAIS-5-90, Sofia, 1990, 7-14.
- Atanassov K. Remark on new object related with intuitionistic fuzzy sets, BUSEFAL, Vol. 49, 1991, 20-23.
- Atanassov K. Second type intuitionistic fuzzy generalized nets, AMSE Review, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1991, 5-8.
- Atanassov K. Temporal intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 44, 1991, No. 7, 5-7.
- Atanassov K., Generalized Nets, World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore, New Jersey, London, 1991, 377 p.
- Atanassov K., Introduction in tlie Theory of the Generalized Nets, Pontica Print, Bourgas, 1992 (in Bulgarian).
- Atanassov K., Intuitionistic fuzzy constraint logic programming, Preprint MRL-1-92, Sofia, 1992.
- Atanassov K., Remark on the intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 51, 1992, No. 1, 117-118.
- Atanassov K., Research on intuitionistic fuzzy sets, 1990-1992, Fuzzy Sets and Systems Vol. 54 (1993), No. 3, 363.
- Atanassov K., A second type of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, BUSEFAL, Vol. 56, 1993, 66-70.
- Atanassov K. Relations between both types of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, BUSEFAL, Vol. 56, 1993, 71-72.
- Atanassov K., Constraint logic programming and intuitionistic fuzzy logics, BUSEFAL, Vol. 56, 1993, 98-107.
- Atanassov K., Level operators on intuitionistic fuzzy sets, BUSEFAL Vol. 54, 1993, 4-8.
- Atanassov K., New operators over the intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 46, N. 11, 1993, 5-7.
- Atanassov K., Norms and metrics over intuitionistic fuzzy sets, BUSEFAL, Vol. 55, 1993, 11-20.
- Atanassov K., A universal operator over intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., Tome 46, N. 1, 1993, 13-15.
- Atanassov K., Intuitionistic fuzzy sets and expert estimations, BUSEFAL, Vol. 55, 1993, 67-71.
- Atanassov K., New variant of modal operators in intuitionistic fuzzy modal logic, BUSEFAL Vol. 54, 1993, 79-83.
- Atanassov, K. New operation, defined over the intuitionistic fuzzy sets. 1., BUSEFAL, Vol. 57, 1993/94, 39-43.
- Atanassov, K. New operation, defined over the intuitionistic fuzzy sets. 2., BUSEFAL, Vol. 57, 1993/94, 44-46.
- Atanassov, K. New operation, defined over the intuitionistic fuzzy sets. 3., BUSEFAL, Vol. 57, 1993/94, 47-49.
- Atanassov, K. New operation, defined over the intuitionistic fuzzy sets. 4., BUSEFAL, Vol. 57, 1993/94, 50-52.
- Atanassov K. New operations denned over the intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 61 (1994), No. 2, 137-142.
- Atanassov K. Operators over interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 64, 1994, No. 2, 159-174.
- Atanassov K. Remark on intuitionistic fuzzy expert systems, BUSEFAL, Vol. 59, 1994, 71-76.
- Atanassov K., Intuitionistic fuzzy sets and expert estimations. II, BUSEFAL, Vol. 59, 1994, 64-69.
- Atanassov K., Norms and metrics over intuitionistic fuzzy logics, BUSEFAL, Vol. 59, 1994, 49-58.
- Atanassov K., Relations between the quantors and the modal type of operators in intuitionistic fuzzy logics, BUSEFAL, Vol. 59, 1994, 59-63.
- Atanassov K., Index matrix representation of the intuitionistic fuzzy graphs, Fifth Sci. Session of the "Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence" Seminar, Sofia, October 5, 1994, Preprint MRL-MFAIS-10-94, Sofia, 1994, 36-41.
- Atanassov K., Intuitionistic fuzzy systems, BUSEFAL, Vol. 58 1994, 92-96.
- Atanassov K., Kuncheva L., An unary operator over intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Proc. of the First Workshop on Fuzzy Based Expert Systems (D. Lakov, Ed.), Sofia, Sept. 28-30, 1994, 43-45.
- Atanassov K., On the geometrical interpretations of the intuitionistic fuzzy logical objects. Part I., BUSEFAL, Vol. 60, 1994, 48-50.
- Atanassov K., On the geometrical interpretations of the intuitionistic fuzzy logical objects. Part II., BUSEFAL, Vol. 60, 1994, 51-54.
- Atanassov K., On the geometrical interpretations of the intuitionistic fuzzy logical objects. Part III., BUSEFAL, Vol 60, 1994, 55-59.
- Atanassov K., Remark on intuitionistic fuzzy export systems, BUSEFAL, Vol. 59, 1994, 71-76.
- Atanassov K., Some modal type of operators in intuitionistic fuzzy modal logic. Part I, BUSEFAL, Vol. 58, 1994, 51-55.
- Atanassov K., Some modal type of operators in intuitionistic fuzzy modal logic. Part II, BUSEFAL, Vol. 58, 1994, 56-59.
- Atanassov K., Some operators of a modal type in intuitionistic fuzzy modal logic, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 47, 1994, No. 12, 5-8.
- Atanassov K., Remark on the concept intuitionistic fuzzy relation, Fifth Sci. Session of the "Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence" Seminar, Sofia, October 5, 1994, Preprint MRL-MFAIS-10-94, Sofia, 1994, 42-46.
- Atanassov K., A property of the intuitionistic fuzzy logic operations. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 48, 1995, No. 4, 9-10.
- Atanassov K., Ideas for intuitionistic fuzzy equations, inequalities and optimization, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1995,17-24.
- Atanassov K., On intuitionistic fuzzy graphs and intuitionistic fuzzy relations, Proceedings of the VI IFSA World Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 1995, Vol. 1, 551-554.
- Atanassov K., Remark on intuitionistic fuzzy logic and intuitionistic logic, Mathware, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1995, 151-156.
- Atanassov K., Remark on the tautologies of the intuitionistic fuzzy logics, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1 (1995), No. 2, 119-122.
- Atanassov K., Remarks on the intuitionistic fuzzy sets - III, Fuzzy sets and Systems Vol. 75 (1995), No. 3, 401-402.
- Atanassov K., Remarks on intuitionistic fuzzy sets in the sense of H. Rasiowa and R. Sikorski's "Mathematics of metamathematics", Proceedings of The Second Workshop on Fuzzy Based Expert Systems FUBEST'96 (D. Lakov, Ed.), Sofia, Oct. 9-11, 1996, 76-78.
- Atanassov K., George Gargor and intuitionistic fuzzyness, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 2 (1996), No. 3, 3-4.
- Atanassov K., An equality between intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy sets and Systems Vol. 79 (1996), No. 3, 257-258.
- Atanassov K., Intuitionistic fuzzy interpretation of the conditional logic VW, Proceedings of The Second Workshop on Fuzzy Based Expert Systems FUBEST'96 (D. Lakov, Ed.), Sofia, Oct. 9-11, 1996, 81-86.
- Atanassov K., Intuitionistic fuzzy model of the axioms of the paraconsistent set theory NF1, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 2 (1996), No. 1, 11-14
- Atanassov K., An extension of the universal operator over intuitionistic fuzzy sets and some of its properties, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 3 (1997), No. 3, 89-91.
- Atanassov K., Algorithms of the functioning of the second type of intuitionistic fuzzy generalized nets, Advances in Modelling &; Analysis, A, Vol. 32, 1997, No. 1-2, 57-61.
- Atanassov K., Some operators on intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (J. Kacprzyk and K. Atanassov Eds.), Sofia, Oct 18-19, 1997; Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 3 (1997), No. 4, 28-33.
- Atanassov K., The Hauber's law is an intuitionistic fuzzy tautology, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 3 (1997), No. 2, 82-84.
- Atanassov K., Intuitionistic fuzzy interpretation of Kun's axiom, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 3 (1997), No. 2, 123-125.
- Atanassov K., Asparoukhov O., Nikolov N., Magaev B., Application of graph- and intuitionistic fuzzy set-methods for ordering expert estimation criteria, Discrete Mathematics and Applications (S. Shtrakov and I. Mirchev, Eds.), Research in mathematics, Vol. 5, Blagoevgrad, 1995, 164-174.
- Atanassov K., Burillo P., Bustince H., On the intuitionistic fuzzy relations, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1 (1995), No. 2, 87 - 92.
- At anassov K., Bustince II., Burillo P., Mohedano V., A method for inference in approximate reasoning for the one-dimensional case based on normal intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Proceedings of the VI IFSA World Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 1995, Vol. 1, 149-152.
- Atanassov K., Dimitrov D., Kacprzyk J., Kim S., Shannon A., Szmidt E., Applications of operators over intuitionistic fuzzy sets in analysis of asymmetric information, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 3 (1997), No. 1, 29-34.
- Atanassov, K., Gargov G., Interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 31, 1989, No. 3, 343-349.
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- Atanassov K., Stoyanova D., Remarks on the intuitionistic fuzzy sets. II, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1 (1995), No. 2, 85 - 86.
- Atanassova L., How two matrices can be compared?, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1995, 27-28.
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- Ban A., Convex intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 3 (1997), No. 2, 66-76.
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- Biswas R., Similarity measures in IFSs, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 2 (1996), No. 3, 5-14.
- Biswas R., Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 3 (1997), No. 2, 53-60.
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- Burillo Lopez P., Bustince Sola H., Entropy on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and on interval-values fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 78 (1996), No. 3, 305-316.
- Burillo P., Bustince H., Mohedano V., Some definitions of intuitionistic fuzzy number, first properties, Proc. of the First Workshop on Fuzzy Based Expert Systems (D. Lakov, Ed.), Sofia, Sept. 28-30, 1994, 53-55.
- Burillo P., Bustince H., Algebraic structures for intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fifth Sci. Session of the "Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence" Seminar, Sofia, October 5, 1994, Preprint MRL-MFAIS-10-94, Sofia, 1994, 1-13.
- Burillo P., Bustince EL, Isoentropic methods for construction of IVFS, Proc. of the 4-th International Workshop CIFT'94, Trento, June 1-3, 1994, 57-60.
- Burillo P., Bustince H., Numerical measurements of information on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and interval-valued fuzzy sets ( $ -fuzzy), Fifth Sci. Session of the "Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence" Seminar, Sofia, October 5, 1994, Preprint MRL-MFAIS-10-94, Sofia, 1994, 14-26.
- Burillo P., Bustince H., Two operators on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets: Part I, Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 47, 1994, No. 12, 9-12.
- Burillo P., Bustince H., Informational energy on intuitionistic fuzzy sets and on interval-values intuitionistic fuzzy sets (Ф-fuzzy). Relationship between the measures of information. Proc. of the First Workshop on Fuzzy Based Expert Systems (D. Lakov, Ed.), Sofia, Sept. 28-30, 1994, 46-49.
- Burillo P., Bustince H., Numeros Intuicionistas Fuzzy. IV Congreso de la Asociacion Espanola de logica y Tecnologia Fuzzy, 1994, 97-103.
- Burillo P., Bustince H., Orderings in the referential set induced by an intuitionistic fuzzy relation, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 1 (1995), No. 2, 93-103.
- Burillo P., Bustince II., Two operators on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets: Part II, Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 48, 1995, No. 1, 17-20.
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- Burillo P., Bustince H., Intuitionistic fuzzy relations. Part I, Mathware and Soft Computing, Vol. 2 (1995), No 1, 5-38.
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- Bustince H., Mohedano V., About the complement in intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 3 (1997), No. 1, 12-19.
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- Dimitrov D., Atanassov K., Shannon A., Bustince H., Kim S.-K., Intuitionistic fuzzy sets and economic theory, Proceedings of The Second Workshop on Fuzzy Based Expert Systems FUBEST'96 (D. Lakov, Ed.), Sofia, Oct. 9-11, 1996, 98-102.
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