As of August 2024, International Journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets" is being indexed in Scopus.
Please check our Instructions to Authors and send your manuscripts to Next issue: September/October 2024.

Open Call for Papers: 22nd International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets • 18 October 2024 • Warsaw, Poland / online (hybrid mode).
Deadline for submissions: 1 October 2024.


From Ifigenia, the wiki for intuitionistic fuzzy sets and generalized nets
Revision as of 23:33, 30 September 2009 by Vassia Atanassova (talk | contribs) (upgrade new)
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<?php return array( 'upgrade' => 'Upgrade', 'upgrade from' => 'Upgrade from', 'upgrade to' => 'Upgrade to', 'already upgraded' => 'You already have upgraded to the latest possible version.', 'back to opengoo' => 'Back to OpenGoo', 'all rights reserved' => 'All rights reserved', 'upgrade process log' => 'Upgrade process log', 'upgrade opengoo' => 'Upgrade OpenGoo', 'upgrade your opengoo installation' => 'Upgrade your OpenGoo installation',

'error upgrade version must be specified' => 'No version specified. Cannot continue with automatic upgrade. Please, try again later or try the manual upgrade instead.', 'error upgrade version not found' => 'Invalid version specified ({0}). Cannot continue with automatic upgrade. Please, try again later or try the manual upgrade instead.', 'error upgrade invalid zip url' => 'Invalid download URL for specified version. Cannot continue with automatic upgrade. Please, try again later or try the manual upgrade instead.', 'error upgrade cannot open zip file' => 'Cannot open new version\'s zip file. Cannot continue with automatic upgrade. Please, try again later or try the manual upgrade instead.', ); ?>